SSC P4 - hosts?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 23, 2006
hi guys,

did a search and read several threads, but didn't find what i was looking for - what do you guys think about the following lights, would they run as a good host for the SSC, after the 2 issues of isolating the slug and trimming the reflector .03"?: HDS, Luxogen CR2, LiteFlux LF1, VB-16 HAIII ... I 'hear' that the SSC is almost a drop-in for Lux configs minus the 2 issues above, but after the initial excitement didn't hear much thereafter, esp. in terms of success stories or lumen output comparisons...

Ask EngrPaul. It looks like he has modded more lights with this LED than anyone else.
=) bummer. I did run across a few of your threads - overall, do you feel like the SSC upgrade was worth it? And they haven't required much modding besides the two things mentioned in the first post, right?

240l at 1A sounds great, but part of it is that I have no idea what A the lights I have are pushing at...
Wait a second - that's awesome! No need to use AA epoxy then for the HDS? Just take the reflector out and sand it down? That is great. So tebore, did you do this mod too?
mcmc, i have done HDS emitter swap last week. I put SSC P4 in my HDS. No need to insulate the slug. After I replace the emitter, I put the original reflector back and fired the light up. I coud see it put out much more light than before but my light meter did not show much improvement. The beam was more floody.

I started sanding it down little by little. Every 0.05mm sanding down, I put the emitter into reflector to see if it has a good reflection from LED. I ended up with 0.70mm which is about 0.03inches. It has perfect reflection from LED now!! It took a while to sand down 0.7mm though. ( bottom of the reflector is quite wide )

My light meter tells it got about 1.7 time higher reading :rock:

My EDC 42B had a Q bin Lux1 in it until few months ago, and I upgrade it with SWOH Lux1 and now SSC P4. In a few month, my EDC become about three times brighter:wow:
It also should help thermal cut down issue at Max brightness.

Anyway, mcmc Thank you for helping me out last night. :thanks:

mcmc said:
Wait a second - that's awesome! No need to use AA epoxy then for the HDS? Just take the reflector out and sand it down? That is great. So tebore, did you do this mod too?
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Justone said:
mcmc, i have done HDS emitter swap last week. I put SSC P4 in my HDS. No need to insulate the slug. After I replace the emitter, I put the original reflector back and fired the light up. I coud see it put out much more light than before but my light meter did not show much improvement. The beam was more floody.

I started sanding it down little by little. Every 0.05mm sanding down, I put the emitter into reflector to see if it has a good reflection from LED. I ended up with 0.70mm which is about 0.03inches. It has perfect reflection from LED now!! It took a while to sand down 0.7mm though. ( bottom of the reflector is quite wide )

My light meter tells it got about 1.7 time higher reading :rock:

My EDC 42B had a Q bin Lux1 in it until few months ago, and I upgrade it with SWOH Lux1 and now SSC P4. In a few month, my EDC become about three times brighter:wow:
It also should help thermal cut down issue at Max brightness. Mine did.

Anyway, mcmc Thank you for helping me out last night. :thanks:
I saw your thread if you don't mind can you get a pic of how wide the reflector became after the sanding?

No big change in the width.
The bottom of the reflector shape is originally wide. Not like a McR-18. It did not take long time for me to cut down the bottom of McR-18 for my Arc Lsh SSC P4 mod. (I did the same thing to my Arc. The original board had a SWOH on it. Big improvement after this mod!!)

But HDC reflector bottom is fat and wide. took a while to sand down 0.7mm.

Width of the bottom of HDS reflector did not change so much.

I'll see what happens with mine. I believe I have a non-joker reflector in my HDS because it's a low number one. I believe Henry re-did so reflectors after the new Luxeons came out.
Justone, great, thanks for the reply! That's exactly what I was hoping to hear =) I think we'd all love to see pics of the mod and beamshots - if you need help I can put those up too, lol - though it seems you know how to do it now too right? Btw no problem - was glad to help.

I don't have calipers so I will probably have to sand it down and guesstimate. Did you put anything inside the reflector to keep the dust from collecting on the front? Also, that is really great news that I don't need to isolate the slug.

Thanks for your tips!
Btw I've never used sandpaper to file anything down before, any recommendations on grits to buy? I'll probably have to stop by HD. Someone said somewhere to use a figure-8 motion to sand it down, does that sound like a good idea?
I will put the photos up tonight after the sun set. The beam shots of P1D-CE and HDS SSC-P4.

I used dry #280 sand paper. Took the bur off by tooth pick. I just needed to touch the sanded edge by it and they were gone, then blow off the dust from the reflector. Do not touch the reflector,if you do you will get heir line scratch on it.

mcmc, you can probably can tell when to stop sanding if you check the LED reflection on the reflector. Need to blow off the dust every time you do though.
Try sanding equably. Keep changing the grip position for that. When I check the height of the reflector, the caliper helped me to where the high side.

By the way, I have noticed a interesting symptom on HDS SSC-P4.

I get different reading from the light meter on primary and R123 at level1.

Here is the reading from my light meter.
With primary
Level1 15000Lux (from about 50cmm far.)
Level3 7400Lux
Level6 2400Lux

With R123
Level1 18000Lux
Level3 7400Lux
Level6 2400Lux

What do you think? Level3 and Level6 is identical, but not Level1. The level1 reading stay almost same until drop out by thermal cut off or dropping the Voltage. They are regulated. I can not figure this out. As as as I remember my HDSB42 showed same Lux reading from primary and R123. I was not paying much attention to it, so I might be wrong. Now I am positive about the difference now.

Any way I will post the beam shots tonight.

mcmc I will try putting photos by myself. I think I can do that now!!

I want to get a tighter beam. I'll probably get a McR-18 and a IMS-17 or 20 to see which one get a tighter beam. Now to see where to get an IMS-17/20.
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Probably deeper and bigger reflector gives you tighter beam.
The hot spot became one size smaller after this mod on HDS. It is probably because the reflector is perfectly adjusted for SSC-P4 now. The original reflector had some bur at the edge where the emitter touches. I do not think it was not in the best position to make tightest beam before. Now I can see perfect and even yellow LED reflection on the reflector. I love it!!

As long as I know, Mcr reflector does not give you tightest beam. It has very nice and smooth transition from the hot spot to flood. I like McR reflector. Properly adjusted original reflector gives you tighter beam, I think.
