
Newly Enlightened
Sep 18, 2008
Orange County CA
This is probably a dumb question, but, why doesnt the SSC P7 emitter make a good thrower???? or the MCE LEDS?? Can someone tell me why this LED combined with a deap SMO reflector make a good throwing light? Thanks.
Because the emitting area is not brighter, just larger. Does that make sense?
If you want a P7 with throw Curt at Peak LED has been doing some impressive things with the P7 and narrow angle optics. Check out the First Responder, and Law enforcement lights threads in the Peak subforum.
As I understand it, the reflector size has to be proportional to the emitter size to get the same level of beam divergence. So a P7 with a suitably large reflector would throw as far as some of the better Q5 throwers, and I think Elektro Lumens have made something like this.
Thanks guys, great info, I really appreciate the help. I love this forum, unlike other forums I belong to, the people here seem to be a lot nicer and way way more helpful. Thanks again.
Heres my very simplistic understanding of the physics involved...

A 4-die emitter has 4x the emitting surface area of a single die. Geometrically this would require a reflector dish ~4x the size as a single die throw reflector, to get the desired tight focus light beam. The farthest throwing (traditional reflector'd) light I have ever used is the Tiablo A10. It goes toe to toe with all but the very best aspheric designs, using a very deep dish ~45mm diameter reflector. I think it can be done... if the manufacturer wants to make a dish big enough to get the job done.
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I have seen the L900m and it throws just like a Dereelight R2 smooth reflector if not more. It also has the biggerst bezel I have seen. I think Electrolumens has Longbow P7 light with an even bigger reflector, but it looks like a toilet plunger.:crackup:
Current MC-E and P7 lights can throw as well as the best XR-E throwers. The reason that they cannot throw >3x as well, as their output would imply, is because they have four dies, so were they focused as precisely as the top XR-E throwers you would see four spots.