SSC P7 x2 @ 2.8A each?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 8, 2008
Dear CPF,

Just toying around with the idea of running 2x P7's in my bike light, heat-sinking should not be a problem as i think I have this one sorted, if you could help, would it be more appropriate to use 2x of these per LED?

Or, as my electronics maths escapes me (i'm on my 9th day of 12-ish hour days) Would it be more appropriate to connect the LED's in series?

Apologies if this is a dumbass question!

You might also consider this (from for your batteries :devil:.
Steve6690; Funny that ;) ... I've got one sat on my desk at home so that'll do nicely thank you ;)

Cheers for your help!

No probs. I emailed Led-tech and asked if that driver would handle 3 x P7's in series and they stated that it would do so.
While on this note, i'm looking at using some 18650's (3.7v & 2500mah (from dealextreme))... Which leads me onto thinking I need to connect these in parallel (4x of them in total) to give me a fairly lengthy runtime.

Does this board keep the voltage as well as the mA? ... or is that not needed?

Jonathan ;)
Dear CPF,

Just toying around with the idea of running 2x P7's in my bike light, heat-sinking should not be a problem as i think I have this one sorted, if you could help, would it be more appropriate to use 2x of these per LED?

Or, as my electronics maths escapes me (i'm on my 9th day of 12-ish hour days) Would it be more appropriate to connect the LED's in series?

Apologies if this is a dumbass question!


I tried it running off a 12v battery and found the driver got really hot. This may have been more due to the higher input voltage that because it was running 2 P7s in series. In fact it soon went into thermal protection. I then made up a small heat sink and thermal glued the driver to it. Seemed to work really well. I did notice thatthe current dropped to 2.6 amps with 2 P7's though.
What I may try with my next project is run 6 Q5's off of the same driver by paralleling 2 lots of 3 in series. this should give them about 900ma each.