SST-50 in a D-mini


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2006
Cleve. OH
A few months ago I thought I give my D-mini a boost. Well, I installed a Cree R2 WG and an AMC 1400 board. Nice results,with an IMR 18650 the spot showed 19,000 lux and lumen output according to my integrating milk carton lightbox :) showed 257lm. It was drawing 1.78A at the cap.

I thought I'd put in an SST-50 I bought into the light using the same board. Wow! nice results. Using the same battery the lumen output is now 611lm. The spot lux is 12,200. It is also drawing 4.4A at cap. I'm wondering if the AMC board is going to melt. I haven't had it on for more than 15 sec. Any input on this.
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Re: A Couple of D-mini Mods

Are you sure you are not direct driving it? the jump in current is big and the AMC should be giving the same 1.4 A to the led. so the input should not have jumped that much or at all IMO.

Any beamshots?

Re: A Couple of D-mini Mods

Are you sure you are not direct driving it? the jump in current is big and the AMC should be giving the same 1.4 A to the led. so the input should not have jumped that much or at all IMO.

Any beamshots?


I'm pretty sure I wired the AMC correctly. I've done a few other AMCs before. I will take it out to check. I bought another board to use with this emitter, this one; ,will put it in later.

After playing with the light, the batt voltage dropped to 4.08V and the cap reading was 3.54A. The 4.4A reading was when the batt was 4.20V.

I'll try to take a beamshot later. I got my first digital camera last month and haven't figured everything out yet.
Re: A Couple of D-mini Mods

After playing with the light, the batt voltage dropped to 4.08V and the cap reading was 3.54A.

I took a couple of readings at this voltage and amperage.

Spot lux; 11,000 and lumen 558.
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Re: A Couple of D-mini Mods

Here's the best I can do with a beamshot. Top is stock, bottom SST-50.
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Re: A Couple of D-mini Mods

I think AlexGT is correct about the direct drive issue. Here is a CPF member's test of two different AMC 7135 boards. If you look at the blue columns in his graph, input and output current is always the same. If you're drawing over 4 amps at the tailcap, the board is somehow bypassed.

BTW, I think it's awesome you get 5 times the Lux output of an R2 with your SST-50. The P7 puts out a ton of light. But it's over so great an area it's only good for flood.
Re: A Couple of D-mini Mods

You guys are probably right about it running in direct drive. When I first put it together with the Cree and 1400 board, it showed 1.4A with an RCR123. I assumed it was going thru the board, but direct drive would also show about that amperage.
122000 lux@1m with the ssr-50?????????????????? i cant believe that

its 2x2 mm led!!!bad for throw.I only got with the tiablo collimator and ssr-50 @5amp around 20000 lux@1m and with
cree xr-e package ez900 chip q5 bin@ 2.9 amp i obtain 72000 lux@1m (max 30 seconds continuous runtime)

edit: opps its 122000 lux in lightbox not 122000 lux @1m
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122000 lux@1m with the ssr-50?????????????????? i cant believe that

its 2x2 mm led!!!bad for throw.I only got with the tiablo collimator and ssr-50 @5amp around 20000 lux@1m and with
cree xr-e package ez900 chip q5 bin@ 2.9 amp i obtain 72000 lux@1m (max 30 seconds continuous runtime)​

edit: opps its 122000 lux in lightbox not 122000 lux @1m​

I went and checked again. I screwed up, one too many zeroes, should be 12,200. The lightbox lux shows 44,000.
What sorta heat sink is inside a D-mini? Does it have more mass than a typical p60 format?

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