LED Zeppelin
Flashlight Enthusiast

This light is a collaboration with Matt (Aircraft800) who spec'd the running gear and sourced the parts. I made the heatsink, LZ pot knob, sorted the reflector, and did the assembly.
The sink is a modified Britelumens Deluxed Mag D sink. A copper insert was made that is a slip fit into a reamed hole through the center of the sink. The rear of the sink has been trimmed to allow clearance for the SharkSinks, pot, and 1/8" for wires.

The face of the copper insert was milled with retaining tabs on 2 sides, and reliefs cut below for the underside leads. The SST-50 was reflowed onto the copper face. There is little room for error as the solder surface is the same size as the pad under the SST, and some Kapton tape was used to prevent shorting when I soldered on the leads.

The sink was drilled for 2 set screws. The front set screw secures the back end of the copper insert. The rear set screw secures the sink assembly in the tube and is accessed by passing the wrench through the sink to the far side, much like the Mag switch assembly. The copper insert ends before the rear set screw hole so it misses the wrench. A clearance hole is drilled in the tube threads that aligns with the rear hole. Angular position of the clearance holes in the tube is arbitrary, but chosen so the LED aligns with the switch and pot.
Set screws are cup point that were filed smooth so as not to mar the surfaces and allow easy adjustment or removal.
A hole was tapped in front of the switch so the pot is as rearward as possible allowing room for head adjustment.

Here is the layout of how everything will fit into the tube:

Here's the finished tube guts:

You can see I've added another wrench hole in the tube threads so I could adjust the LED height without removing the sink.

I used a KD LOP reflector with removeable cam, and I trimmed the cam to the height where it bottoms on the sink just before the head hits the pot knob. The LED height is adjusted so that the tight focus position is achieved before the reflector/head bottoms out. The range of head adjustment from just above the pot knob to uncovering the O-ring matches the LED/reflector focus range nicely.

Here's the finished light:

This build went remarkably smoothly with little compromise. The heatsink design is very flexible and allows easy height adjustment for different reflectors/LED combinations, and easy disassembly for service or upgrades. By changing the face pattern of the copper insert it could be easily adapted to other LEDs.
I'll post specs, measurements, and beamshots in the following days.
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