Hi, has anyone in here test a good bunch of this leds? I have bough two sst50, from different reputable sellers but both don't seem to be up to specs. Basically they seem to have an output of 10-20% less than a good cree MC-E. I guess they were supposed to have the same output or better. What do you think?
My tests were done under the appropriate heasinking, the same driver with measured Vin/Vout and Iin and Iout.I used a lux meter to test the output and a diffuser on the leds.Anyway the result is visible via my own eyes.
My tests were done under the appropriate heasinking, the same driver with measured Vin/Vout and Iin and Iout.I used a lux meter to test the output and a diffuser on the leds.Anyway the result is visible via my own eyes.