Stock Mag LED question

Battery Guy

Apr 28, 2010
Portland, Oregon
Greetings Everyone,

I am looking for a gray 4D Mag host for a hotwire mod. Unfortunately, I am coming up empty when I search for gray 4D Mag incan lights for sale online and in local stores. I have, however, found several gray 4D Mag LED flashlights. Any reason why these would not work as a hotwire host with AW's incan driver or FM's Throwmaster head?


Battery Guy
it will, i got exactly the same ste up.
gray 4d led (not rebel, the same inc. but with lux3 led) aw soft start, and fm throwmaster head.
only way to get gray 4d is to get 4d magled. no inc. grays are available.
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alpg88 is correct. i don't think they offer a gray 4D incan.

however the guts of the "D" serial number model are exactly the same with the incan versions. the only difference is the LED module is included with the flashlight. it directly replaces the bulb, so the rest of the guts are exactly the same.
Maybe try "grey" instead of "gray" ? Although it seems the US has invented the new word "gray" grr, stop messing with our language lol.