stramlight stinger DS LED problem

retired copper

Newly Enlightened
Aug 24, 2020
Cleaning out the closet and found an old stinger ds led that does not work. Put it on the charger and it lit up but the switches would not turn the light off. Checked the battery and it was in backwards. Charged it for a while and it does not come on. Put the battery in another stinger and it works, so the battery and led both work. How do you tell which switch is messed up, or cold it be something else?
there's a way to check the circuit by circumventing the switch, but you might just want to leave it up to streamlight. send it back to them and they'll fix it no charge, even if you did put the battery in backwards. it might take longer, if you go thru a supply store, so you might want to call them and send it directly. since you're retired, you'll have to use your other one since it takes a few weeks turnarond time