Strange Acting LED Lenser T7?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2005
I picked up an LED Lenser T7 from Lowe's the other day because I had a giftcard. My only problem is that the light doesn't function properly (or at least not how the packaging says it should).

The light is supposed to work like this:

push tailcap slightly turns it on maximum mode
first click turns it on low mode
second click turns it in high mode

My light works like this:

push tailcap slightly turns it on maximum mode
first click turns it on high mode
second click turns it on low mode

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I wasn't sure if this was a new version that is supposed to work like this, or if the light is faulty. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
I have a T7 (also from Lowes), momentary push gives max, first click low, second click high, seems yours is working backwards??
I have a T7 (also from Lowes), momentary push gives max, first click low, second click high, seems yours is working backwards??

Yep, it sure is. Looks like it's going back to Lowe's the next time I go to town. I was pretty sure it was messed up, but I wanted to make sure here first. Thanks.
if its working well, even in the wrong order, id keep it.

the next one might be in the right order but quirky?

if it isnt broke, dont fix it.
I called LED Lenser today and they said that they updated the light and that this is how it is supposed to work. They told me that they got feedback from lots of law enforcement/professionals that said that they wished it went max-high-low, so they changed it for them.
I mentioned that they might want to update the packaging as well, just so that no one is confused.