So walking my dog last night, my 6P/Malkoff M61 went dim all of a sudden. It might have been the batteries but they were both new when put in as a pair with less than 25 minutes of run-time total. Turned off the 6P for a few seconds then on again. Bright beam then back to dim. Since I do not have a ZTS tester (yet) I did the only test I could. Popped in the batteries one at a time in my ARC LS. One lit up and the other dead as a door nail. Tried it in a Surefire L1 with the same results.
Any thoughts as to why with less than 30 minutes of run time, one battery would still have juice and the other dead?
Any thoughts as to why with less than 30 minutes of run time, one battery would still have juice and the other dead?