Strange Surefire Battery Problem


Nov 14, 2002
So walking my dog last night, my 6P/Malkoff M61 went dim all of a sudden. It might have been the batteries but they were both new when put in as a pair with less than 25 minutes of run-time total. Turned off the 6P for a few seconds then on again. Bright beam then back to dim. Since I do not have a ZTS tester (yet) I did the only test I could. Popped in the batteries one at a time in my ARC LS. One lit up and the other dead as a door nail. Tried it in a Surefire L1 with the same results.

Any thoughts as to why with less than 30 minutes of run time, one battery would still have juice and the other dead?
The Surefire L1 will still run very well on a partially-depleted cell, that was a rather good screening test.

Your thread title says Surefire Battery, just wanted to clarify, these are SF cells in your light?

Sounds like a defective cell to me perhaps?
Sounds like a defective cell to me perhaps?


I wouldn't worry about the light unless it happens again, at which point acquire a different lot of batteries test them. There's really not much that the light can do to cause this so I really just suspect that you bumped into the rare, faulty, SF123 cell.
Yes, these were all Surefire batteries. I have a bit of OCD or paranoia if you listen to my family so I always go for the Surefire brand and not any other though they might just be as good and even cheaper. Since I also live 25 minutes away from their store, I just drop in and pick them up.

I have read (correct me since I'm probably wrong) where 1 dead battery and 1 good one in a multi-cell light have caused lights to go kaput? I also run a 3 cell 6P/M61L where the M61L is at 3.4 to 9v. So what happens if 1 battery goes completely dead and the other remaining two are at different voltages but still enough to give full output and you don't catch it? AND, what about a 3 cell light that just sits around waiting to be used. Are the batteries going to discharge by themselves?

I'm probably confusing everyone so excuse me but now I'm thinking about finally getting a ZTS but from what I've read - they're not exactly 100% accurate and using a multimeter can't give you the actual status of lithium primaries.

As to faulty batteries - Surefire has a great track record but I guess anything can happen.
I may now have to reconsider the usages of all my 2 and 3 cell lights. Go back to L1 or the shorter run-time of an M30? This sucks.
I have read (correct me since I'm probably wrong) where 1 dead battery and 1 good one in a multi-cell light have caused lights to go kaput?

Absolutely, especially in a multi-cell incan, but obviously also in lights such as yours. I'm surprised it didn't light at all though, as the M61 is supposed to run in direct drive at under 3.7V, must have been below the LED's forward voltage, since the M61 doesn't appear to have a voltage step up driver. Sometimes this can lead to a ticking time bomb with lithium powered LED lights if one cell goes bad and you don't notice it.
Yes, these were all Surefire batteries. I have a bit of OCD or paranoia if you listen to my family so I always go for the Surefire brand and not any other though they might just be as good and even cheaper..

Surefire themselves list other battery suppliers as qualified via their warranty.

Explore that....
Surefire themselves list other battery suppliers as qualified via their warranty.

Explore that....

From Surefire's website:

"Must I use SureFire batteries in my flashlight?

You can use Panasonic®, Duracell® and Energizer® batteries bought from their authorized dealers since these batteries are suited for use in SureFire products.

Will using non-SureFire brand batteries void my SureFire warranty?

Using genuine Panasonic®, Duracell® or Energizer® batteries will not void your warranty, but using any other non-SureFire brand will void it."

I had previously thought Duracell CR123A batteries were the only non-Surefire batteries that didn't void the warranty. Good info, thanks. The vintage SF lights up until about the early 2000's came with Duracell batteries. If you see some of the old M3's or M6's in the old style packaging up to around 2000, they still had Duracell batteries.

In my experience, using the Energizer batteries led to shorter runtimes and dimmer lights. I have never used the Panasonic CR123A's, but I have heard whispers that they are made in the same plant as the Surefire CR123A's. Or alternatively that "Panasonic makes the SFCR123A batteries". Of course being made in the same plant or by the same manufacturer means nothing if SF and Panasonic batteries are made to different specs.

Personally I stick to Surefire's because I buy them in 72 packs and I like all my batteries to be the same. Plus I have always had good luck with them.
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I go for Surefire since they're a hop-skip-and a jump away from me but even if they weren't - I probably would still buy them. Duracells, maybe if the cost plus shipping was way less but like ampdude - I like all my batteries to be the same.

I still think about the difference in voltages between batteries and it makes me wonder or worry depending on how you look at it. Guess I'll dust off the M30 and Milky L1 and rotate them into my EDC's except that the run-times are less.

I could just use a multimeter, trust to luck and hope Murphy's not around.

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