Streamlight 3C LED Runtime Graph


Newly Enlightened
Jun 8, 2007
Here is a runtime I did a few weeks ago.


I use a lightbox similar to Flashlight - data logging 10 min intervals - light intensity is the raw lightmeter readings ExTech 401036

so, if i'm reading this right, streamlight is comepletely and totally full of poop in their 336 hour runtime claim. Had i been aware of this, i wouldn't have purchased two of them. I want my money back.:mecry:
so, if i'm reading this right, streamlight is comepletely and totally full of poop in their 336 hour runtime claim. Had i been aware of this, i wouldn't have purchased two of them. I want my money back.:mecry:

Hey, I think in an emergency it would still be useful light. I have a Lightwave 3c that claims something like 700 hours. I really don't buy that, but everyone wants brighter and brighter, not many cater to the low low/long runtime crowd. I like to have a few for emergency use, so I bought a Lightwave C and AA version. Too bad they are all out of the D's and lightwave went under, anyone wanna sell one they have? ;) I bought some cheapy wally world D flashlights to put in a joule thief too, someday. I think this graph would be a lot flatter if ran with some of those new Acculoop LSD C cells, or even just some regular fresh NiMH C cells. Any chance on getting those run?
similar claims are made by Mfrs of headlamps. often the cut-off of "usable" light is 1 or 2 lux, or i've read even as low as 0.25lux. some describe "usable" light as the amount of light produced by a full moon (which i've read variously as no more than 2lux, but then, this is only what i've read and i have no idea what the lux level is of a full moon - there are various other factors to be taken into consideration, e.g. light pollution and condition of the sky).

could it still be "glowing" dimly at 336h????
so, if i'm reading this right, streamlight is comepletely and totally full of poop in their 336 hour runtime claim. Had i been aware of this, i wouldn't have purchased two of them. I want my money back.:mecry:

Umm, no, not really. If they claimed 336 hours AT FULL BRIGHTNESS then yeah, not only would it have been a lie, it would have been an OBVIOUS lie :) Unless the light is connected to the mains, there is no way it can do that. No light can.

If you look at the graph you can see it's still cranking a reasonable brightness at 48 hours and dimming is leveling off. If that graph is in Excel you curve fit it and get some idea where it will be after a couple hundred hours.

No, it won;t be a blinding light source, but i'm willing to bet Streamlight didn't completely pull those numbers out of their posterior orifice. It will probably still have enough light to be useful to adapted eyes.

Actually that light looks like a really good choice for one to have around the house if you are in a hurricane zone or something.
Here is a runtime I did a few weeks ago.


I use a lightbox similar to Flashlight - data logging 10 min intervals - light intensity is the raw lightmeter readings ExTech 401036


I have looked at a lot of run-time graphs and it got me to wondering, it seems to me that the first few minutes or so should not be counted, because of the fast drop off. Wouldn't 3500 be a truer number to base the run-time to 50% on.
Yes many lights have outputs that drop like a rock the first 2 or 5 min.

Alternate 50% Points

4680 (85% of peak)/2 = = 2340 (43% of peak) = = 8 hrs
( 4860 is about 1 min into run )

3500 (64% of peak)/2 = = 1750 (32% of peak) = = 17 hrs
( 3500 is about 40 min into run )

5490 was the startup peak

Use which ever one works for your application.

To clarify:

Is this the version with 1 Luxeon LED or 10 5mm LEDs?

Anyway, thank you for the runtime chart.
Oh, come on mike, "reasonable brightness at 48 hours" ?? Gimme a break, they went out of their way to imply HUGE runtime. Of course, i didn't expect PEAK brightness for two weeks, but more than enough light to clip my toe nails by after a few hours isn't expecting a lot from a manufacturer claim of 336 hours.Again, if the graph is accurate, i can expect roughly only a quarter of initial brightness after a mere 24 hours. For a light that's marketed as having 336 hours of usefull light, this is unacceptable bullshit, especially considering this is a company with a long established reputation.
This is the 10 LED version and not the Luxon.

I believe the results are accurate and representative of what others will have.

One of the first lessons I learned about LED's are that many otherwise reputable manufactures use funny numbers. I bought a Pelican 2410 4AA Recoil LED ( 1 Luxon ) - and did some rough testing for runtime - after a few emails with Pelican they refused to explain how the 32 hour runtime listed on the package was determined. Interestingly the inside sheet said 4 hours I think so they could not get the story straight inside the company. The light does however have a nice beam that will reach out well.

The only advice I can give is to find someone that has done an independent runtime graph and use that to help you decide if the light does what you want it to do.


PS: I only have AA NiMH cells and use disposable cells for my C & D lights as they are not used a lot - so this is the only graph I can do at this time. - sorry

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I usually take Manufacturer's runtime claims with a rather large grain of sodium chloride. :whistle:

Thank goodness for folks like Quickbeam, Chevrofreak,
and others who generate "Real-World" graphs for our lights.


Yep, some makers insist that:
"if you can read a newspaper from 2-inches away", then it's "useable light".

Of course, your mileage may vary. :devil:

Yes many lights have outputs that drop like a rock the first 2 or 5 min.

Alternate 50% Points

4680 (85% of peak)/2 = = 2340 (43% of peak) = = 8 hrs
( 4860 is about 1 min into run )

3500 (64% of peak)/2 = = 1750 (32% of peak) = = 17 hrs
( 3500 is about 40 min into run )

5490 was the startup peak

Use which ever one works for your application.

Unregulated (direct drive) lights show a rapid drop at the beginning if you put in a battery fresh off the charger. But most often, I've found that a big drop in the first couple of minutes is due to poor heat sinking. LEDs put out considerably less light if they're running very hot. See here for an example.

Oh, come on mike, "reasonable brightness at 48 hours" ?? Gimme a break, they went out of their way to imply HUGE runtime. Of course, i didn't expect PEAK brightness for two weeks, but more than enough light to clip my toe nails by after a few hours isn't expecting a lot from a manufacturer claim of 336 hours.Again, if the graph is accurate, i can expect roughly only a quarter of initial brightness after a mere 24 hours. For a light that's marketed as having 336 hours of usefull light, this is unacceptable bullshit, especially considering this is a company with a long established reputation.

OK, I don't have a light meter, but here is what I propose
Go to Brightguy and order the light.
Load it with Eveready alkalines, turn it on and go away.
Check it periodically to see if it's still making usable light - enough to "trim my toenails" by.
Report how long it takes before I can no longer trim my toenails.

Fair enough? :) We could call this the toenail standardized test. What the heck - i got nothing else to do! :crackup:

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