I was wondering if anybody who has one of streamlight's rail mounted weapons lights (such as protac rail mount 2 88059) would be able to take some pictures of the internals- especially the positive battery contact?
I have a protac hl-3 which I intend to mount on a bang stick but streamlight won't give me a straight answer on it. So far the polytac I put on a 5.56 has held up perfectly so I'm sure this will, too... but I just would like to identify any differences in construction between the hl-3 and their weapons mounted protac if possible.
I have a protac hl-3 which I intend to mount on a bang stick but streamlight won't give me a straight answer on it. So far the polytac I put on a 5.56 has held up perfectly so I'm sure this will, too... but I just would like to identify any differences in construction between the hl-3 and their weapons mounted protac if possible.