Streamlight SL-20X


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2002
I have a Streamlight SL-20X here that I rarely use because it doesn't seem as bright as I think SL-20s should be. I am thinking of upgrading it a bit. Can I put the SL-35X bulb in it? Does it probably need a new battery stick if it seems dim?Who has the best prices on Streamlight parts and accessories?
I run the SL-35X in my family's SL-20X's. Replace (as opposed to upgrade) your battery if you don't get at least 1/2 hour's run time.

Texas Tactical sells the LA's for $9.99 @.
I second Lemlux's recomendation.

I actually called Streamlight, and they confirmed that the SL-35X bulb can be used in the SL-20x, but, of course, with a shorter run time than the SL-20x bulb.

The sl-35X is a 20 watt bulb! The 20-x is a 10 watt!
i have an sl20 and i replaced the bulb for a 35x. the brightness is nice but i haven't really used it alot to get a runtime. i just remember to keep it charged so i don't have to worry about runtime.

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