Street robber/mugger blinding torch needed.

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Newly Enlightened
Oct 15, 2007
Hi. As per title. What small handbag friendly torch would you suggest? Got to be able to blind them for 30 seconds, easy to use, maybe strobe effect? Want to buy one for my now wife for when I can't pick her up from the train station.
I think you will find some good choices if you go to and check out their single cr123 lights. They should all give you around 180 OTF lumens, and you could get one of the romisens which only has one mode or one of tactical ITP's which can be programmed to a specific mode. I'm not too familiar with the romisens, but they say 2 hour runtime which makes me think they might be slightly less bright. I think the quark 123 tactical could be a good choice too. I think in generall most single 123 new tactical lights are going to suit your purposes, although you might still want to go with the romisen just because its so simple, 1 mode on/off.
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I don't want to hijack your thread but do you mind if I include the question

How durable are strike bezels? When you hit a hard headed guy repeatedly will the light still function?
Nothing gets between me and my Polarion PH50.

When you absolutely, positively, gotta blind every mother****** in the alleyway, accept no substitute.

I'm kidding, I'm just a huge fan of the film "Jackie Brown".:D In all seriousness a compact one cell light might do the trick. Keep in mind though blinding someone with a flashlight is pretty overrated, unless of course you have something like a PH50...
Hi. As per title. What small handbag friendly torch would you suggest? Got to be able to blind them for 30 seconds, easy to use, maybe strobe effect? Want to buy one for my now wife for when I can't pick her up from the train station.
hmmm, desperate, jumped up, experienced street robber (or two....) versus untrained woman with supposedly blinding torch buried at bottom of handbag, how do you reckon the score in that match will end up............

I still can't fathom the idea that people think a torch can protect them, I really can't. Either you can fight or you can't, I don't see how a torch changes things (unless of course it's to see where you aim your Glock).
Forget the torch for your wife...get her a stun gun and some pepper spray and a loud whistle. Blinding light only works in near total darkness....and only for a few seconds. I just remembered...a can of wasp spray. It will cause blindness if not washed out quickly. Better them than a dead wife.
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hmmm, desperate, jumped up, experienced street robber (or two....) versus untrained woman with supposedly blinding torch buried at bottom of handbag, how do you reckon the score in that match will end up............

I still can't fathom the idea that people think a torch can protect them, I really can't. Either you can fight or you can't, I don't see how a torch changes things (unless of course it's to see where you aim your Glock).

OP from UK, no guns allowed.... I'd have to say a light is probably better than nothing, pepper spray will probably be more effective(not sure if thats allowed in UK either) than a light, stun gun??

a small light on lithium ion or cr123/s is probably the best bet unless willing to carry a tk40 sized light....if its really dark, a single AA on high might be enough to temporarily "blind" someone.

if the light is only gonna be used for "protection"... you'll want a UI with MAX and Strobe only.IMO
A flashlight just isn't going to do anything other than give your wife a false sense of security.

I know the laws in the UK forbid most any self-defense devices, but if you want a legal way to blind a would-be mugger, give your wife a handful of sand and tell her to throw it at their eyes.
A flashlight just isn't going to do anything other than give your wife a false sense of security.

I know the laws in the UK forbid most any self-defense devices, but if you want a legal way to blind a would-be mugger, give your wife a handful of sand and tell her to throw it at their eyes.

excellent idea :thumbsup:

a plastic bag with some sand is easy to carry, one in every coat/bag.

very good and practical UK self defense tip.
A good pepper spray and, better yet, a handgun as well.

A flashlight cannot be counted on to do anything, and it certainly isnt going to actually "blind" anybody.

This is why I live in the United States. The fact that people think a bag of sand makes a good self defense tool and is, in fact, possibly one of the better legal options is incredibly sad. I feel for you.

Wasp spray....that's not bad. Pretty stupid that you might have to carry that over something like pepper spray that is not toxic and will cause no permenent damage, though.

What you REALLY need is quality professional training in self defense, and maybe a solid cane with stick fighting techniques.
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Wow, it's been nearly 2 hours and the DM has yet to close the thread after pointing out that about 90,000 billion katrion of them already exist:eek:! Not trying to be rude or anything, but discussion about "physically injuring someone" etc isn't really allowed on here if I can recall, the DM will surly pop in soon and post something along those lines, just giving everyone a heads up:whistle:.
By all means, I'd say a flashlight is a good thing no woman (or man) should be without, whether in her purse or otherwise. But relying on photons as weapons -- not a winning recipe.

I still can't fathom the idea that people think a torch can protect them, I really can't. Either you can fight or you can't, I don't see how a torch changes things (unless of course it's to see where you aim your Glock).
In all fairness, in some cases it is likely to change the outcome. Particularly because a lot of morons think "bright flashlight" = "police flashlight", and some of them may run rather than stick around to find out whether you're a cop or not. But I for sure wouldn't bet my life on it.

Except the PH50. That might do the trick.
Original Poster has been a CPF member more than 2 Years.

Therefore, he certainly SHOULD know the answer to his question by now.


I agree. A search would yeild many prior discussions on this topic.

As appealing as a magic light sabre or beam could be, it is NOT a reality.
YES bright lights have tactical uses, but these are MEGA MEGA "non LED" & masssive current devouring.

A light in some night conditions, COULD be helpful , especially coupled with distance etc.

A blinding strobe could suprise a predator and maybe that could buy enough time to react or escape.

strike bezels? sure in the right hands
OTOH getting mauled by your own light doesn't sound appealing.

That "WASP SPRAY" use in the USA,while possibly VERY effective, could be a violation of Fed law. (read the label)
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By all means, I'd say a flashlight is a good thing no woman (or man) should be without, whether in her purse or otherwise. But relying on photons as weapons -- not a winning recipe.

In all fairness, in some cases it is likely to change the outcome. Particularly because a lot of morons think "bright flashlight" = "police flashlight", and some of them may run rather than stick around to find out whether you're a cop or not. But I for sure wouldn't bet my life on it.

Yes. A bright light directly in the eyes along with a firm verbal command can work wonders, or so I hear.

BUT I intend to have my Glock in the event that it doesn't work. Or if I am in an off limits location I will at least have pepper spray (the good stuff WORKS) and a knife. Gun is best, though. Trump card.
excellent idea :thumbsup:

a plastic bag with some sand is easy to carry, one in every coat/bag.

very good and practical UK self defense tip.

mix in ground peppers and chillis with the sand :D

but back on topic, seeing that it's just meant to blind etc a potential perpetrator of peril (alliteration intended) i would assume that runtime is NOT an issue.

Was thinking of a Solarforce L2M with an SST-50 drop in or Solarforce's MC-E drop in, oh and get the forward clicky switch from solarforce too. all items available HERE

EDIT: don't forget to get a clip so it can be clipped in accessible place instead of rolling around somewhere at the botttom of the bag, better yet, get her to hold it in her hand immediately upon exiting the station.

One of those personal alarms would be good too
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When you hit a hard headed guy repeatedly will the light still function?

Good god, making that statement a reality will likely lead to manslaughter charges lol

If I thought it was possible to find, I would show a video of 10+ people with knives walking right through OC. Pepper spray is like a pain compliance thing, do what I say or I'll burn your face off. It isn't going to stop an attacker if they want you.

Civilian stun guns are as useful as a big stick. I actually prefer the stick. 100,000 volts! An X26 delivers somewhere well below 10,000 (I think around 2000) when it actually hits a target. It's the watts. Civilian stun gun will never have the wattage and amps to affect the nervous and muscular system like "a cops taser".

The best thing to do if you can't carry a gun is to get something like an E2DL. It won't affect their aggressive attitude, but it will shield the fact that you are fixing to split their face open. In the end, the worst case scenario is you might get a blood born disease (Which workers comp doesn't cover in some states, what?).
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If I thought it was possible to find, I would show a video of 10+ people with knives walking right through OC. Pepper spray is like a pain compliance thing, do what I say or I'll burn your face off. It isn't going to stop an attacker if they want you.

What pepper sprays have you been hit (in the face/eyes) with?

What pepper sprays have you witnessed being used?

No, OC is not a guaranteed thing. Yes, you are correct, some people have a very high tolerance and are not obviously/adversely affected and, yes, you can fight through it. But boy will it drop an awful lot of people like a sack of potatoes. It is an excellent tool to have available. I always carry a bottle. But, like I said above, I also always carry a gun. However, a gun is lethal force...OC is not. If the guy has a knife I shoot him. But absent a weapon or other aggravating circumstances OC is outstanding as it is not lethal force. In fact it will not actually injure the person.

I'd like to see videos of guys going right through a quality pepper spray. By that I mean spitfire, fox, saber, etc.

How durable are strike bezels? When you hit a hard headed guy repeatedly will the light still function?

If you are hitting a guy in the head repeatedly with a strike bezel the light functioning is probably nothing to be concerned with at that point. What you are doing is likely to be considered lethal force and the guy is likely to be somewhat seriously injured. Whether or not your like works....who the hell cares, really? You probably won't even get it back anyway.
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