Strion bulb mini mag


Newly Enlightened
Apr 8, 2009
Will this bulb fit? Has anyone tried it, and will it melt the reflector? I already have a glass lense.

I was thinking of using 3 of the KAN 700(2/3AA) from CBP.
Will this bulb fit? Has anyone tried it, and will it melt the reflector? I already have a glass lense.
I was thinking of using 3 of the KAN 700(2/3AA) from CBP.

Bulb pins are not correct size but will fit with some bending.
Second problem is:
Bulb opening of reflector which needs enlarging.
Third problem is:
Long run which will melt plastic reflector and plastic socket.
BTW, If all above problem is solved, cut down barrel to single 14670 will be smarter idea because you will get longer run time, shorter and lighter flashlight.
Im already using the Streamlight 1L bulb and bored out the reflector. What kind of run times are we talking for melting? I rarely use more than 1min continuous
I am really interested in this. I am looking to make my maglite brighter WHILE keeping incandescent.

The Brinkman light bulbs others have recomended are too expensive to purchase just for lightbulbs that can't be purchased locally, in my opinion.
Is that from the Twin Task 1 cell lithium?

Did you do anything other than bore out.make the base of the reflector wider? What did you use to do that?

That is the bulb I'm using, yes. I bored out the base of the reflector with a drill bit; fairly easy to do. I also replaced the plastic stock lens with a UCL glass one.
That is the bulb I'm using, yes. I bored out the base of the reflector with a drill bit; fairly easy to do. I also replaced the plastic stock lens with a UCL glass one.

1) How long do you usually run it for? (any melting of the reflector seeing how you switched the plasic lense for a glass, but not a metal reflector)
2) What kind of batteries are you running in it?
3) What kind of runtime on those batteries?
I'm running eneloops. The 1L bulb draws 1A @ 2.4V, so runtime would be in the neighborhood of 1.75 hrs if you consider the cells are 2Ah capacity.

Alks won't deal with that draw for very long, so I don't bother. I haven't run lithiums because the voltage will be detrimental to the bulb life.

Also, I use a UCL-LDF lens for smooth beam; a vast improvement. To me, this light isn't a thrower or blaster or lumens champ; it's a retro, close range tasklight made useful via modification. But that's me.
Phaserburn said:
I'm running eneloops. The 1L bulb draws 1A @ 2.4V

Interesting... Streamlight rate their 1L bulb at or around 40~50Lm what would you estimate under-driving the bulb @ 2.4v delivers? :thinking:

+1 on making old Retro lights live again! I'm currently powering a 5D Maglite bulb in an old Eveready 2AA rubber coated flashlight off 2 14500's :thumbsup:
Interesting... Streamlight rate their 1L bulb at or around 40~50Lm what would you estimate under-driving the bulb @ 2.4v delivers? :thinking:

+1 on making old Retro lights live again! I'm currently powering a 5D Maglite bulb in an old Eveready 2AA rubber coated flashlight off 2 14500's :thumbsup:

I don't believe the bulb is being under-driven - the 1L, pulling 1A from a single 123 would probably only be getting 2.6V or so. 2 nihm AAs combined would be similar. So, I think it's being driven close to spec.

I like running 2 nizn AAs in old retro lights and use a 3 cell bulb. I also use 4 nizn AAs in my PT40 with a 5 cell Mag bulb. It's quite bright and nice.

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