Stupid Term EDC

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Dec 20, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
I just dont quite get this silly dumb term "EDC" meaning Every Day Caring, caring for what. What are you caring for your torch or really does the torch care for you i.e it does work for you and you use it for jobs and applications that require a torch light. Wouldn't the term EDU be better i.e Everyday Usage.
every day carry...not caring :thumbsup: so yes if you carry it every day it willl see some use
Perhaps you DID read it as "caring".

Spelling sometimes tends to, errr, uhhmmm,

fall by the wayside, here on CandleFlowerPourums.

EDC, a simple and yet straight forward term. i have no problem with it.
Re: Clarification of EDC

Grammatically speaking, EDC actually means "Everyday Carry" because "Everyday" in this case is an adjective used to describe "Carry." "Every day" (as two words) is a time expression meaning "each day" or "regularly," as in "I go to work every day."

But to me and my flashlights, EDC often means "Everyday Caressing." :whistle:

In the flow,
Mr. Shawn
LBJ? I am a little older... that will always mean the guy who beat Goldwater in '64!

Acronyms can be fun. LGB will always mean 'Lehmann Gross Bahn', the G-scale (large -garden scale) model train company - to me. I even had 'LGB-1' as a car tag - for a while. Of course, at a train club meeting in a bohemian side of town, another member wanted to know who had 'Lesbians, Gays, & Bi-sexuals' on their car. Sometimes, you can't win.

What's wrong with Every Day Caring? Wouldn't it make the world a better place?

This guy is pretty funny, that made me laugh!

I even had 'LGB-1' as a car tag - for a while. Of course, at a train club meeting in a bohemian side of town, another member wanted to know who had 'Lesbians, Gays, & Bi-sexuals' on their car. Sometimes, you can't win.

And this is flippin hilarious!! :eek:oo: :crackup::crackup::crackup:
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