Suggestions for red LED flashlights


Newly Enlightened
Jun 3, 2007
Does anyone have current suggestions for a red (LED) flashlight to use on night walks, and for reading star charts while nightgazing?
The last thread on this topic that I could find was from 2004, and there are probably a whole new set of opinions out there.
BTW, I don't have the chops (yet) to mod lights, so commercially available lights would be best for me.
Try the Rigel SkyLite.

The Photon Freedom was also designed by an astronomy enthusiast, with the dimmer modes made with the astronomist in mind.

Others to try would be from Peak LED Solutions. They make solid lights with the LED colors of your choice, in a whole variety of choices. You may find the Kilimanjaro or Matterhorn to your liking.

BatteryJunction offers the Inova X1 in different colors, including red. You can find the regular Inova X1 at Target but not the different colored ones.
Some people really like the Inova X5.
I have a modded 2AA minimag with a 1 watt red Luxeon in direct drive using NiMh batteries and it is quite bright and runs cool and long. I'm very happy with it. It's a pretty easy mod. I also added a Kroll clicky switch to make it into a 'real' flashlight.
Welcome to the forums. There have been previous discussions on red led lights in the past, try using the search toward the top. From what I remember from past suggestions, the Gerber Infinity, Safelite, Underwater Kinetics 2 aaa. What kind of battery do you want, size and stuff like that?
Hello fellow newbie! I would have to say the Photon Proton for your needs. It has 6 bright 5mm white led's and 1 red. It has the same interface as the freedom (if U have one) only it starts out with the dimmest red setting first, which is perfect for star charts. Several of the recommendations so far would be far too bright for astronomy, red or not. This way, you have a fully dimmable red led as well as up to 50 lumens of white and everything in between all off of 1-AA batt. I hope this helps and I'm glad to see a fellow lightlover who looks up as well as down :).

PS greetings all..................long time lurker here. You all have been my light inspiration over the last coupla years. Thanks for all the info!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone have any experience with the Peak LED Kilimanjaro 7 LED?
It's been suggested that it is bright enough for walks, and with a removable translucent white cover (included) might be appropriate for reading star charts.
How does it compare in brightness to, say, the Inova X5?
The last thread on this topic that I could find was from 2004, and there are probably a whole new set of opinions out there.

The recent advances in LED technology has been geared towards making more powerful lights, so when it comes to dim LED lights, we're mostly left with the same choices as a couple years ago. Basically, you're still left with the same 5mm LED models from before.

When you say "nightgazing," are you talking hardcore use under very dark conditions? Or just casual stargazing on your porch? Very few models will go super dim for hardcore astonomy use to preserve as much night adaptation as possible.

Here's another possibility, although I've never tried it out myself. sells various LED, non-LED Underwater Kinetics 2AAA lights in penlight and side-by-side battery configurations. Then you can also buy a red LED module to go with it. It's sort of hard to find on the website, so you can just go to .
I like the Rigel a lot, they make several different colors and two models.

I have the older, larger model for camping use.

Big advantage is a thumbwheel (rheostat) to set the brightness --- zero is in the middle, one way brightens the red LEDs, the other way brightens the white ones.

I always think, gee, this is kind of dim ---then in about 20 minutes, when my night vision is fully recovered and working, it's plenty bright for any nighttime use like walking or astronomy.
The Rigels also have an advantage in that the red LEDs in their lights are actually red. While most lights advertized and sold as red are orange (in the 625-630nm range) the Rigels are very red indeed (660nm). If you are interested in a light with a wavelength long enough to be beyond rod sensitivity say no to the orange lights.

My main reason for developing the Aviatrix mods for the Surefire A2 Aviator was to create a multi-purpose light with a dim red LED as one of the options. I wanted to be able to read star charts when engaged in astronomy, but still have a decent powered LED light for moving equipment to/from the car before and afterward.

Best wishes,
I haven't seen this mentioned yet... is a Kroma out of the question? The red LEDs are two-level dimmable, plus you get a dimmable white light (decently powerful on "high") and two-level dimmable blue LEDs.
are there any luxeon style red led flashlights that can be bought ready made? I am not looking to do any mods, but need a red flashlight for star gaxing and night photography.
I'll add to that question ^ :thinking:: are there any luxeon LEDs available that are true red, and not red-orange. That way, if one were willing to do some modding, a TLE-5 could be converted to a very red source of light. Thanks!

My RED LED lights are:
- SureFire L1 RED LED (1.1 - 22 Lumen) with SureFire's F04 Diffuserlens
- Mini Maglite w/ TerraLUX TLE-5 MiniStar2 RED LED and F04 Diffuserlens

SureFire A2 with RED LED is also an interested light, and with the options from Atomic_Chicken it could be one of the best :thumbsup:

I would not recommend Peak LED's AA Kilmanjaro with one RED LED :thumbsdow

It's not much of a mod, so here goes....

If there's a ****'s Sporting Goods store near you, get a traditional 2AA mini-Mag and a 3-red LED bulb set-up from Nite-Ize for about $5. (****'s sells both). Follow the instructions on the Nite-Ize packaging, and there you go.


Head to Target, get a mini-Mag, and the combo 3-white LED w/ tailcap switch kit from Nite-Ize, then buy the mini-Mag Accessory kit, and use the red lens that comes with it.


Not sure if it'll work. But the same red lens might fit a 2AA mini-MagLED model.


A more expensive option, get an Inova X5 with Red LEDs in it. Or the Coast V6 Dual chip model with 5 White and 1 Red LED. (One button for the white LEDs and another for the single red one)....

If you can get by with a key-chain light, Photon, Inova, and Browing make red LED lights.
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For star charts you can't beat the Skylite, which is built for the purpose. For general use the Peaks are very solidly made. I wonder if Peak could be persuaded to use 660nm leds. Sub Umbra is correct that it's hard to find lights that use those. The Proton is a multifunction light, nice if you only want to carry one light but requires more of your attention to get the settings right when you actually want to use it.