I have been mainly a lurker here on CPF for several years...recently I have decided that I need a big-time LED thrower...and my reading has convinced me that the Dereelight DBS v2 probably best fits my needs.
I will be using CR123s; I don't care about having multi-levels of light (but don't mind having multi-levels); most importantly, I want as much throw as possible.
A few questions:
1) What "pill" or model of the DBS should I get?
2) Where can I purchase the DBS?
3) Should I buy the DBS, or should I wait for the next "throw king" to be crowned?
Thanks in advance for any assistance that you can provide.
I recently bought a DBS directly from Dereelight, their e-mail starts with "support" and all my questions were answered quickly and fully by Alan.
If you want to use 2 x 123s, you can use one of three pills, the 1SM-1, the 1 SM-2 or the 3SM. They vary in how many modes they offer. Mine is a 3SD because I wanted to use an 18650. I can't say for sure whether they all offer similar throws but I assume they do and certainly mine has the best throw I've seen from an LED light, especially bearing in mind its size. I also have a Tiablo A 9, a Raidfire Spear (which I've just destroyed by putting RCR 123s in it instead of an 18650, like a bloody fool) and an MRV sk.
The MRV sk was going to be the next wonder thrower but it doesn't beat the DBS, though it is pretty good. The only thing I don't like about the DBS is the rather complicated interface and if I had it to do again, I'd get one with only one mode if there were one available. To further complicate the mode change difficulty is the istructions, which were apparently translated from Chinese via several other languages! The trick is that the change is effected with the light switched off, not with it on.
There will always be "new and improved" lights round the corner, justas there are with computers, cars and everything else. If one waits for the "ultimate" one will never buy anything, so if you want a hell of a thrower, well-made, well-finished and supplied by a company that seems to treat its customers very well, I don't thik you can do any better....... one man's opinion of course, and an inexperienced one, at that.
Whatever you decide to do, good luck and I hope you enjoy what you buy!