Sure, Surefire is going Cree... but when?


Feb 18, 2006
Does anyone have any reliable information as to when Surefire is going to bring their new Cree powered models to market? I'm not looking for speculation here, I was just hoping that perhaps some of you guys that went to the Shot Show and/or PK's party might have some good information. I've looked through the existing Surefire Cree threads and have come up with conflicting information.

Thanks in advance, and have a great day!
John C.

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It sounds like you are faced with the same frustration everyone else is John. The only thing that anyone can tell you for sure is that no one really knows for sure. What can be said from past history is that Surefire is very slow to bring new products to market. By that I mean that from the time they are announced until you actually see them on the market is usually in excess of six months. Some examples.....Kroma,U2 etc.

soffiler said:
If I was Surefire, I'd probably want to deplete my existing inventory of Lux's first.
Makes sense, don't think Surefire would have any problem selling out their inventory Lux, people don't buy Surefires to get the highest output or runtime anyway. And really, how many non-cpf:s do really care about if the light has a cree or not in it?
Lobo said:
Makes sense, don't think Surefire would have any problem selling out their inventory Lux, people don't buy Surefires to get the highest output or runtime anyway. And really, how many non-cpf:s do really care about if the light has a cree or not in it?

Because of the runtime differences I would say they would care. It depends on the price difference though.
I think Surefire is falling behind. Seems by the time Surefire gets cought up with everyone else the other companies come out with something that runs twice as long and it twice as bright and is 1/2 the cost.

Well, Surefire took their sweet time to get the K2 Kroma out to the public after its initial debut at SHOT Show 2006, and basing it on that experience I would say 4-6 months after SHOT Show seems like a reasonable guess.
Who is everybody else? Here we all are waiting for SureFire.
I am not waiting for Mag to come out with anything or anybody else. In fact many companies have already rushed product to market. The point is It matters not. We wait for SureFire because they are the company to watch and because they work hard at producing the best lighting instruments in the business.
SureFire is doing 2 things at the moment. They are clearing old inventory and building new stock. There is nothing unusual about the cyclical nature of this normal business activity.
We will see new product shortly. Check back in May or June.

01foreman400 said:
I think Surefire is falling behind. Seems by the time Surefire gets cought up with everyone else the other companies come out with something that runs twice as long and it twice as bright and is 1/2 the cost.

yaesumofo said:
Who is everybody else? Here we all are waiting for SureFire.
I am not waiting for Mag to come out with anything or anybody else. In fact many companies have already rushed product to market. The point is It matters not. We wait for SureFire because they are the company to watch and because they work hard at producing the best lighting instruments in the business.
SureFire is doing 2 things at the moment. They are clearing old inventory and building new stock. There is nothing unusual about the cyclical nature of this normal business activity.
We will see new product shortly. Check back in May or June.

I think in this case Fenix is everybody else. These guys seem to be introducing a light every month lately. They are quick to respond with new products at a reasonable price and incredible value. I think it is great that they haven't fallen into the "wait until shot show to introduce new products" and then make them vapor ware for the next six months routine.


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Surefire does take a long time to get there new products to people. I'm assuming it has to do with them haveing much more dealers.
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Mikeg23 said:
Because of the runtime differences I would say they would care. It depends on the price difference though.

The price will be the same.
there weaponlights and such sure as hell are,which is what they're big on,plus their lights may not be there brightest out there,but they don't need to be most of surefires customers I'm sure are more than happy with the amount of light they're putting out.
A2-HA-RD(TID),A2-HA-YG,E1L,E2D,E2E(TID),G2,L2,L5,6P,9P,C2,X200B,M900A . . . .and some stupid minimags.

newbie here. I had a question about mudhole's sigline. I understand the A2 is the Aviator and the RD would probably be the red LEDs. What do the HA and TID stand for? Thanks.
don_69sbo said:
A2-HA-RD(TID),A2-HA-YG,E1L,E2D,E2E(TID),G2,L2,L5,6P,9P,C2,X200B,M900A . . . .and some stupid minimags.

newbie here. I had a question about mudhole's sigline. I understand the A2 is the Aviator and the RD would probably be the red LEDs. What do the HA and TID stand for? Thanks.

A little off topic but I know HA stands for "Hard Anodized"... but I'm not to sure what TID stands for.
What I can see is that whatever SF produces it has class, quality abound. No much complaints from owners. However there are many complaints about fenix lites. Of course they do produce with uptodate technology but they shouldn't stop there. Higher quality manufacturing should be included. Since its from China, with cost of labour and etc much cheaper elsewhere, it wouldn't be a problem would it?!
don_69sbo said:
A2-HA-RD(TID),A2-HA-YG,E1L,E2D,E2E(TID),G2,L2,L5,6P,9P,C2,X200B,M900A . . . .and some stupid minimags.

newbie here. I had a question about mudhole's sigline. I understand the A2 is the Aviator and the RD would probably be the red LEDs. What do the HA and TID stand for? Thanks.


tactical impact device

but ya... Surefire must be feeling the pinch a little, considering all the competitors out there now.

They better start innovating a little bit faster, or re-thinking their prices as it does not take much for a determined company (or companies for that matter) to muscle their way right into the Surefire niche of weapon lights/defence contracts.

Marx was right.
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