SureFire 123's~Can you recharge or not?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 11, 2007
Triangle Area, NC, USA
I've always thought that the SureFire's were use once and recycle units but...I am starting to look into rechargeable batteries and I have been reading through a lot of threads trying to sort things out.

Looking through this thread:

I got the impression, from some of the postings, that you can recharge the standard SureFire Lithum 123's.

I have this charger:

Can I safely recharge the SureFire 123's in the charger I have and is there any trick to making sure I don't over discharge the SureFire 123's or overcharge?


PS: Anyone have a direct link to the radioshack or similar battery tester they use to check the voltage on their batteries?
NO! They are primaries and are not meant to be recharged. You need to look for batteries that are denoted RCR123 if you want rechargeables, but the majority of them (the good ones anyway) are 3.7v so they may blow certain bulbs or circuits.
Thanks for the replys guys. I thought I was doing the right thing. I really need to find a good rechargeable replacement for 123's to use in various lights I have. Some use three 123's and some use 2. Got any advice?

WangStang, click on the link in my signature line.. sit down for awhile with a nice cup o' java and soak up the long read.... By the time you are done, you will probably have a pretty good idea what cells can be used with what lamps for your particular flashlight. There is even a compatibility chart below the guide that shows exactly what configurations will work. If you are talking LED lights then the guide doesn't apply directly but much of the information is still very useful for what you want to do..

to give a heads up... in general, best practice is to replace 2xCR123 configurations with 1 17670 sized li-ion cell and swap to a 3.7V lamp. For the 3xCR123 you can usually stick to the stock lamp and directly swap in a pair of 17500 sized li-ion cells. You'll understand what I am saying after reading through the guide.

Hope that helps!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! they arent rechargable. they will do very bad things. notice they say "do not recharge" on the battery.
LOL !!!

Wangstang, I really do recommend you read mdocod's guide as he mentions. It really is a mine of excellent info, and you will learn a lot from it. Then, when you decide you are ready to get some Li-Ion rechargeable cells, visit AW's Li-Ion sales thread - his are the best.

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