Surefire Batteries are a rip off!!!


Newly Enlightened
Mar 16, 2004
I bought this L1 and had the battereies it came with in there, and I used it a bit every day, and just the other day, now it only goes on "low" output.
High don't work no more.
And it's almost like new, I only bought it back ehhh, let's see, , , -ehh, February of 2006.

...So anyway, I need new batteries pronto, and I only have one electronic "thing" that needs 123's... So buying a 20-pack or whatever of real-actual-Surefire batteries isn't very attractive, and I need batteries right now anyway.

Can I just use any lithium disposeable 123's? I don't know what the difference is between CR123, 123a, and so on.....

.....If I understood it right, the issue with using the right batteries has to do with different rechargeables that have different charge voltages and current draw limits. But the disposeable lithiuums are all the same, are they not?....
Buy a 20 pack. The shelf life on disposable CR123A cells is huge. If you were to only use 2 cells a year, the last pair you'd use 10 years from now would still be good to go after all that time.

Take a look at what some of the dealers listed in the "CPF specials" webpages/dealers thread have to offer in the way of bulk battery purchase and fast shipping. You can save a good chunk of cash this way and know that you've got a good supply of batteries tucked away.

Your flashlight model is solid, dependable, and made to last decades. With a flashlight like that, it doesn't make any sense to not invest a few $$ in a 20 pack of quality cells.

Don't get hosed into paying retail. You'll be kicking yourself for a week afterwards.
I would like some of those "rip off" batteries. Lasted 13 months? Actually, I use Surefire CR123's also and do find them reliable and long lasting at low output draws. I am finding Streamlight CR123's to be good too. Have had some problems with Battery Station batteries in past. I think that are improved now. I do know that Surefire and Streamlight handle high output drain pretty well, as well as Duracell. I am reluctant to use overseas CR123's.

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Doug3581 said:
Can I just use any lithium disposeable 123's? I don't know what the difference is between CR123, 123a, and so on.....

CR is a generic term... 123A is a universal term. duracell's 123As are called DL123A, Surefires 123As are called SF123A, etc

123A is comtimes refered as 123 on the forum....AFAIK its a marginal shorthand

All lithium cells have the same nominal voltage of 3V at varying capacities depending on the manufacturer. Since the L1 is a single celled light you dont have to worry about using cells of varying remaining capacities in a multi-celled light.

btw: if you wish to test the cell condition of individual cells, I suggest the ZTS Pulseload battery tester available at

Doug 3581 said:
buying a 20-pack of real-actual-Surefire batteries isn't very attractive, and I need batteries right now anyway.

Surefires dont cell them by 20 pack...they used to sell them in 2 per packs but that was discontinued and now they come in 12 pack or box of 72
Surefire OEM pricing is $1.75/cell, but there are cheaper places aformentioned on previous posts.

if you need cells right might wind up spending up to $9 per battery after tax in most stores...[I havent had an experience where it came out to exceed $10, but still alot nonetheless]

swampgator said:
nowhere near what a 123 retails for at walmart.

Walmart's Energizers roll at about $5/cell
you want to see expensive? try radioshack[aka: ratshack]....$7.50/cell, and the cell performance wasnt as good as I thought:ohgeez:
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Doug your L1 will run a lonnggg time in low as well. I've had good success with
Surefire batteries. I would check on rcr cells in an L1 before you try them because
if Surefire doesn't recommend them and the light is damaged there goes your
warranty. So stay with primary CR123 cells until you know for sure rcr cells will work.
Lots of folks here will know the answer. I have an L1 I just cant remember.
Okay, don't ask me about batteries anymore....

Update.... I checked in the fridge (where I keep a few different sizes of batteries) and there's a Wal-Mart Energizer 123 pack with one cell still in it.... But I think that the L1 needs two batteries, because the only other mini-flashlight I have is a Nuwai Q3, and I know that used one, and the L1 is longer than that....

So then I go to WalMart and buy another (~$10) pack of two cells (Duracell this time) and get home, and unscrew the L1 switch and dump out.... one battery. And then I start hitting the open end of the flashlight on the table, thinking the other battery is stuck in there. And ,,,, ehh,,, after studying the situation for a few seconds, I come to the conclusion that..... there's only one d*nm battery after all. Just looking at the outside of the thing, I assumed there was two in there.

So that means,,,,, the original battery it came with didn't last a year, it must have only lasted about half as long--six months or so. And also, now I have a new battery I just put in, plus two more. So (assuming I don't use the Q3 much, and I don't) I have about 18 months to decide where to mail-order some batteries.
I can handle that in 18 months, no problemo.
I think.

(-I am pondering one of the fenix cree's tho, and they seem to be using AA's-)
Doug, I feel your pain. I have so many batteries and various lights now, I have resorted to saving "Scrapbook" webpage snapshots in Firefox for all my lights, and custom labeled them with the light, bulb, and batteries. It helps a lot.

Re: Okay, don't ask me about batteries anymore....

Doug3581 said:
But I think that the L1 needs two batteries, because the only other mini-flashlight I have is a Nuwai Q3, and I know that used one, and the L1 is longer than that....

erm...the L1s a single celled light

an unauthorized pic use from another thread: the L1 cross section:ohgeez:

notice how long the circuit board is?:grin2:
Re: Okay, don't ask me about batteries anymore....

Easiest way to get small numbers of batteries is from 2 for 5 bucks shipped. The get cheaper as you buy more.
I use rechargeable Li-Ion and have almost done away with primary Lithiums. I go through so much I figure I don't need to contribute anything more to our landfills.
I think the titanium brand sounds like a good deal from the review on, but I know that surefire's are great! on a slightly related topic, I was under the impression that when it said 123A that it meant that is was two-thirds the size of an A battery (if they had those)?
Have a good one,
Any lithium battery that says "123A" on the casing will do. DL123A is Duracell 123A, SF123A is Surefire, etc. Surefire brand batteries have performed the best for me in real-world use, but Amondotech's Titanium brand and BatteryStation's brand will both work absolutely fine in the L1.

Some lights, such as the A2 do NOT like BatteryStation batteries, and you get slightly less runtime with AT and BS than with SF. Check out 123A prices at your local Radio Shack. A lot worse than SF's offerings. At a brick and mortar store, expect to pay $8-15 for a single 123.