Surefire Clips


Apr 16, 2009
Canada, eh?
I'm finding that many of my Surefires are developing loose clips. The tension is still tight on them but they wiggle back and forth. I finally replaced a clip on one of my A2's with a piece of trimmed plastic and now the light feels much nicer in the hand. Does anyone out there manufacture a nice plastic insert that's maybe GITD?
To go under the clip or in place of the clip?

I could make an insert to take the place of the clip I bet. :thinking:
I can prototype on Tuesday I think.
To go under the clip or in place of the clip?
I'd like to replace the clip entirely. I find it gets in the way of a good grip and they're always getting loose. I've never had the need to actually clip the light to anything as I usually stick it in a pocket or in a holster.

I took a piece of plastic from a fishing box insert and trimmed it with knife. It works ok but not the nicest looking thing.
Interesting idea for people who want to carry one without a clip, as I sometimes do.

For example, if you just remove the clip of an A2, this leaves a gap where there's nothing to hold the O-ring properly in place when tightening the head.