Surefire drop in


Newly Enlightened
Sep 22, 2007
I am new to the world of high performance flashlights. I currently have a Surefire 6P led defender and a G2Z. I am looking for my best options for a good drop in to replace a P60 size bulb. I want to stick with the standard batteries, and I am looking for maximum throw. So what do you think?
I did check that out but to be honest I don't understand alot of it. I know it needs to be 6V but thats about it. I am looking for as much throw as I can get and i'm not to worried about battery life.
The small diameter of the reflector is the limiting factor for throw with the p60 type lamp assembly.

For raw power at the expense of battery life, you could try the lumens factory IMR-9 with 2x AW's IMR 16340 cells. Make sure you use your 6P though as the G2Z may melt.

If money is no object then consider upgrading to a KT1/KT2 turbohead, this will give you the throw you are looking for. You could use the lumens factory IMR-M3T or EO-M3T with 2x AW's IMR 16340 cells.
For throw, look at the Dereelight drop-ins with the smooth reflector(SMO).

As said above, you can only get so much throw from a P60 type drop-in because of it's size. The Dereelight drop-in with the SMO reflector has been reported to give 10,000 lux at 1 m with a bit of tweaking. For reference the 6P 60 lumen incan is around 4000 lux at 1m, so the Dereelight drop-in should have a bit more then 50% more throw.
For max throw you will likely be keeping the lamp assembly. You have to stick with LAMP set-ups aka incandescent.
less expensive route:
Get a Solarforce 1 cell extention from Lighthound.
Then a P91 from Surefire. Lighthound sell them too.
Under $40 bucks you will have the max throw and no standard P60 LED drop-in will math it. You will get only 20 to 30 minutes of runtime with each set of batteries. The P91 makes 200 lumens out the front.

Now with more money:
Get a KT-1 or KT-2 turbo head: from market place here they go from $70 to $90 used.
Then you will have twice the throw.

Now with LED:
Keep the flashlight stock and just get an R2 from DX. You will have great throw, but not as awesome as the P91. This route would cost you $10 bucks. 150 to 175 lumens a.k.a: The R2 is know in the ebay non-flashaholic world as the 270, 300, 360, and 400 lumen R2:)
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Other than Ebay where is a good place to get the R2 drop in?

There is a P60 drop-in thread in the LED section right at the top. I get my cheap R2 drop-in from Deal Extreme. They are like $10 bucks delivered. I digress...The Malkoff M60 is many times over better than any R2 at DX. It will cost $55 deliverd, but it is something to consider.

Now. When I started this I wish somebody would have told me that the Ebay R2's that are sold for $40 to $50 bucks claiming 200, 270, 360, and 400 lumens are similar to the R2's available at DX. Now my R2 DX has about 170 lumens at best ( I got lucky with a good bin). I have also purchase the Alpha G8 from Ebay (400 lumens) and the M60 at 225 lumens is a lot brighter:D

Keep in mind R2's will make around 140 to 175 lumens. If you could make youre own from parts you could get the amp draw up to 1.2/1.3amps and then it would make over 200 lumens. I have played with a handmade one at 1.374amp draw and it throws like the M60, but the M60 has better beam quality.

You could also get a Deerligh I think those make 220 lumens, but they are not $10 dollars.
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