Surefire E1L Outdoorsman KX1 LED


Mar 29, 2017
My coworker sold me a mint Surefire E1L for 60 dollars. I read online that the light puts out 45 lumens on high and 3 on low. The light doesn't switch brightness. So I guess I wonder, were the old KX1 LED heads a single lumen output? Maybe someone here might know, because I cannot find any information on it.
You should have one of the very first E1L models. Later there was a two level Version. I think for 60 Dollars you made a good deal, if the light is not completely abused...
You should have one of the very first E1L models. Later there was a two level Version. I think for 60 Dollars you made a good deal, if the light is not completely abused...
Its pretty clean, only wear is on the tail button, the rubber is smooth instead of textured.
Your serial number probably starts with A. That will make it a 2007'ish 30 lumen single output version. Very energy efficient!
As a matter of fact yes, the serial starts with an A. You nailed it! 30 lumens huh, I guess I got so used to these high power LED lights I thought something was wrong.
Yea, the two cell E2L was rated at 45 lumens. It's the same KL1 head though, you can put The E1L head on a two cell body with two CR123A's and get the same 45 lumens.
30 Lumens, wow. I still have my L4 with that Lux 5 LED (Did I say that correct?) I can't remember the output maybe.. 120 Lumens?
When I turn that thing on It seems very dim compared to todays standards but as inefficient
as it is these old lights hold a special spot in my heart.
And it's my favourite hand warmer for the winter.

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