SureFire Equivalent of a Gun?

Not IMO.. Wilson would be more along the lines of McGizmo - a brand that most everybody respects, and if they would use they do so.

I think Surefire would be equal to a lot of the big American manufacturers - they have some inexpensive models, most are within a relatively similar price range, and for those that want to go scott crazy you can spend your life's savings..
Yes, I'd say Wilson Combat compares nicely with McGizmo.

They fill the high-end "Production Custom" niche. Custom-like methods and attention to detail, but done on a medium-small scale production basis.

SureFire is more like HK, or SigSauer, IMO. Top-tier for sure, but purely higher volume "Production", nothing much custom about them. Except for special-purpose runs for limited editions or the U.S. Military and other high-budget consumers. Which brands like HK, Glock, Smith&Wesson, and Sig Sauer are willing to do under the right circumstances.
I'd say Springfield Armory. SA produces different guns in various price ranges (like Surefire), particularly in their line of 1911s. And as for a combination of reliablity, price, durability, and function, two letters; XD.
"SureFire Equivalent of a Gun?"

It would depend on whether you are comparing just product quality or intrinsics like customer relations and support.
ACMarina said:
Not IMO.. Wilson would be more along the lines of McGizmo - a brand that most everybody respects, and if they would use they do so.

I think Surefire would be equal to a lot of the big American manufacturers - they have some inexpensive models, most are within a relatively similar price range, and for those that want to go scott crazy you can spend your life's savings..
Gotta agree here. Wilson is a "custom", even if hanging on the edges of "production" realm.

Browning, Colt, HK, S&W, Sig, all produce "surefire" (note: lower-case "s") handguns
(and firearms in general).

One of the wonderful things about Browning/etc. firearms in general -- you can pick up a
1950's vintage production piece, and unless it has been abused, it's as good as anything
made today (and many, myself included, would strongly argue better). I've got an
old (pre-1900) Winchester 1886 takedown (lever-action rifle) production piece that will
just embarrass any production rifle made today (quality of action, quality of wood, "feel")
and that you might approach for about $5,000 in quality custom gunsmithing. It uses
.45-70 ammo, readily available in most any hunting/etc. store across the U.S. Care to
speculate on CR123A battery availability a century from now? (Not to mention MN02 or
MN21 or like bulbs!)

Surefire(tm)-quality firearms are the "norm", not the rare and ridiculously-expensive

Is this a great country, or what? (Ahem: that is a rhetorical question, not political flame-bait)

Are you looking at surefire in the fact of being American made? Then that would certainly cut down on the number of gun manufacturers.
I would say that Kimber is probably the closest gun manufacturer equivalent to Sure-fire. They're one of the highest quality american made firearms manufacturers with many different models. They use excellent marketing tactics and produce models from a few hundred dollars to about $2000 and have some very nice custom shop offerings too. I would lean away from browning, winchester and colt, because they've been around forever...kinda like maglight. Kimber's technical ability seems to be more cutting edge compared to the older established companies, which reminds me of surefire in a way. Kimber is pushing their 1911s for military and police use and spending lots of advertising dollars in that segment of the market. They're currently being used with many swat teams and have been seeing more and more use in Afganistan and Iraq.
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I'd say Heckler & Koch would be closest to the Surefire of firearms.
I would have to agree with the people who say H&K is most like Surefire. They are well built guns, the company's largest buyer is defense departments, and like Surefire H&K triggers are not the best just like Surefire's tailcaps. This is comming from an owner of a H&K P2000 and Colt Series 80. The trigger on an H&K is nice but it's no Sig, Glock, or 1911 trigger.
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my vote is for springfield i have two 1911 Hi-cap and a .357 V-10 XD that is more accurate than any glock i have ever shot [nothing aginst glocks just personal experince]
tussery said:
..and like Surefire H&K triggers are not the best just like Surefire's tailcaps...
I'm not sure that's fair to Glock. If the issue with some Surefire tailcaps was that they felt different, then that would be like a Glock trigger. If the issue with some Surefire tailcaps was that they tended to fail (?), well...Glocks do NOT fail.

Big difference...
Oh come on people, do you think there can be only one? That all other firearms (makers)
are Maglight compared to the OneTrueVendor(tm) of choice?


I'll put my Browning High Power up against your Glock any H&K P7
against your Luger against, um, er, no, skip that S&W against
your Winchester to your Kimber...

And guess what, they're all within an HAIII scratch of each other, all things considered.
They're all stake-my-life-on-it quality/reliability/dependability (assuming that's the
metric we're trying to assess here).

There is a plethora of great ("Surefire(tm)") firearms out there, mainstream, mass-
produced, available if not trivially affordable. And that's a lot more than I can say of
almost any other market (flashlights, cars, houses, computers, lawn-mowers, ...)

H&K, and older (German and Swiss manufactured) Sig Sauer. I've owned guns from pretty much every major manufacturer, and those two are THE cream of the crop - and the closest firearms equivalents of Surefire. Walther is a distant third.

Also, IMO, Glock is the equivalent of Inova... S&W is the Gerber... and Kel-Tec is the Fenix of the gun world. Ruger is the Maglite, and Colt is the firearms equivalent of Pelican. All of the custom .45 manufacturers (Kimber, Wilson, Les Baer, Etc.) would be roughly equivalent to McGizmo, and HDS.

Best wishes,
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