Surefire Forward Clickie from E-bay?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
hello all. I want tot buy a Forward clickie and a Momentary Switch one for a Surefire.
The e-bay descriptions are always lacking, so...

Has anyone bought one or both? Which one and what's your impressions?

thanks, Kostas
Which one in particular? Surefire makes a few in both clicky and tactical. Which light series E or C/P/M? Are you looking for original Surefire or aftermarket? Lots of options including Z41, Z48/Z49, Z58/Z59, SW01, SW02 and more, RPM, Leef, Solarforce, etc.
Dang! I did not phrase it right.

I am looking strictly aftermarket for a Solarforce L-2 primarily and secondly for a Surefire C-2.

I need 1 forward clicky and 1 momentary on.

Source should be e-bay (what I have found seems to be reverse clicky or meager in specs/description) and your experiences are wellcomed.

thanks, Kostas