surefire g2 colors


Aug 7, 2008
im planning on buying my first surefire:D

it gonna be an g2 (and the malkoff m60ll eventualy:grin2:) but i want some pics of the real colors not the advertising pics thats on surefires website. now ive searched the web and found no good real life pictures. i recall seeing an thread with the colors but i cant find it anymore...:oops:

can anyone help me? post some pics or post an link to an tread that has those pictures:help:

Good luck with your lights ozner1991 and :welcome:! I can tell you that you will LOVE that combo! I have 5 yellow G2's with M60LL's in them (a 6th M60LL is waiting for a yellow G3, Come on SF, we NEED yellow G3's!).

I use them in my BOB's & GHB's, etc.. If you like them 1/2 as much as I do, your money will be very well spent!

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Your welcome! If I could afford more, I would! The 6 M60LL's go with my 2 M60L's (in black G2's), 3 M60's (in 6P's), and 2 each of the C cell & D cell Mag "drop-in's".

If you couldn't tell, I REALLY like the Malkoff's!

I was thinking about getting a can of Krylon Fusion for plastics and spray painting my G2... Think it will come out nice?
it will work but i think its not durable :mecry:. the nitrolon is molded with the color in it. you have to sand it to have it stick on propperly. well thats an whole job and you are basicly planning on giving it an (few) layer(s) so it will wear down kinda like annodising on other lights.
I was thinking about getting a can of Krylon Fusion for plastics and spray painting my G2... Think it will come out nice?

hit it! it'll soon have that nice worn-out color markings on edges that contact other surfaces often.
that'll be sweet if you like that very well used tool kinda feel - like i do:twothumbs
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Yeah I figured it would not stick as good if I sanded it which I am no about to do. But then again I would like to have it look very aged and like its been through alot... So maybe when I get some free time I will hit it with some paint.
i can see why you like the worn finish look on you light but my experience with painting lights is that it doen not wear like annodising it chips and whole chunks come off
you can always try a few layers of clear or transparent lacquer it should prevent some of the chipping
to avoid the chipping effect,
spray thinly with every coat & apply multiple coats (dry/cure for 30mins in between applications.)

no need to use a clear coat if you want to achieve that worn-out look soon.
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