Surefire G2...or


Newly Enlightened
Feb 28, 2008
I've been looking for a good light to carry with me and I like the G2.... well maybe.... or the 6p or possibly the E1B. I've seem the G2 and its pretty bright I haven't seen the other 2 in person. My question is of these what do you like and are there better lights of similer size? Maybe a mod up a cheaper light or even 1 of these 3? The smaller the better but I want something with at least what I saw the G2 put out. I am ok with the 123 battery, I'd probably pick up a couple of sets of rechargeables. Suggestions?
The G2 is a great throw around light. It can take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. For a little more though, you could get a 6P and upgrade with a cheap LED drop-in for $10 +/- a few. The 6P is much more universal in that it can be modified in many different ways to suit your style: drop-in's, extenders, bezels, tailcaps, etc.
Any of the lights you've mentioned are excellent. I own two G2s, s 6PD (6P with striking end) and a 6PL (LED version).

The G2 is superior to all other Surefires in one regard ... you will not cry the first time it gets dropped:laughing: In fact, the G2 doesn't show most drops at all, not the case with an all metal light.

For a little more though, you could get a 6P
Quite a few 6P Originals have sold for $44 delivered on BST - so I bought one & installed an M60 Malkoff.

That turned out so nicely that a 6P Defender (strike bezel/clickie tailcap) was purchased, & an M60 Malkoff was installed in that one too.

In all fairness, the M60 spent over a week in the G2 ... my concerns about heat dissipation were without cause, probably because of the huge brass heat sink on the Malkoff.

The G2 is a fine light on its own, and a bargain at the price.
Im gonna go ahead and recommend you go look at fenix's line up.

now there will be alot of debate between these two brands, so i suggest you go look at both, and decide for yourself. :thumbsup:

Fenix lights have been reported to have higher overall output compared to a similar surefire light. Surefire lights have been reported to be the toughest lights. Take your pick. :) both are bright and very tough anyway.

BTW, i have a P1D-Q5, its ungodly bright...much brighter then my P61 G2Z for overall output.


It sort of depends on what you how you will use the flashlight you carry.

I carry an inexpensive 1xAA River Rock that I picked up at Target, that I use to find my way around.

I have a G2 to put out a bright beam when I need it. I don't often need it, though.

Start small and inexpensive. Last time I checked, there are more being made every day and plenty of time to buy bigger, better and more expensive as you go along.

Best wishes.
are there better lights of similer size?

Define better.

There are 1 AA lights that will match the G2 for output. There are 2 CR123 lights that will easily beat the G2 for output and throw and have multimode. There are light under $30 that will beat the G2 for output and throw. There are light above $100 that can do that too.

Since this is the LED forum, I'm presuming you were looking at the G2L. I'd suggest the Dereelight CL1H for a new light. Bright, similar size, multimode but slightly more expensive.

The Fenix line is also pretty good. If you want AA batteries, I'd suggest the L2D-CE Q5/Rebel 100. 8% off coupon at Fenix Store is "CPF8".

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No experience with the E1B. To be quite honest, between the G2 and the 6P... I like the G2. I love the way it feels, I love the way it looks. I know many will want to crucify me for saying this, but I am not a fan of the plain knurled cylinder. My only concern about the G2 is with the higher powered drop ins. I really want one of the P61ls when they come out, but am worried about heat.
Fair enough. Yes I am talking about LEDs
Well you can see the price range I am looking at and I am a total newb. By better I mean in this range is there something I am not looking at or should look at because it totally outperforms what I am looking at even if its a couple dollars more? Does it not make sense to spend that much on a surefire if there is a better performing light cheaper or something that can be built? I really don't know I just stumbled on this webpage and started reading...then my head hurt with all the upgrades and dropin's ect.

Define better.

There are 1 AA lights that will match the G2 for output. There are 2 CR123 lights that will easily beat the G2 for output and throw and have multimode. There are light under $30 that will beat the G2 for output and throw. There are light above $100 that can do that too.

Since this is the LED forum, I'm presuming you were looking at the G2L. I'd suggest the Dereelight CL1H for a new light. Bright, similar size, multimode but slightly more expensive.

The Fenix line is also pretty good. If you want AA batteries, I'd suggest the L2D-CE Q5/Rebel 100. 8% off coupon at Fenix Store is "CPF8".

The G2 is a very good light. You can't really go wrong with it. They are also nice w/ the LED drop ins. The 6P is a very good light. While more costly and heavy, it is also easier to add parts to if you choose to modify it. Both are nice lights. If you are wanting LED, then each will cost more than the incan version. If you are looking for the highest output in an LED, then you would probably be better off looking at Fenix, Deerelight, or some of the other manufacturers. I think the form factor of the Surefires is one of their selling points. If you want something slimmer and brighter, than the Chinese lights come into their own.

One nice light to check out is the Surefire G3. It is nice and bright, not too expensive, and you can drop in one of the best incan bulbs around. (P91). Also, if you get into rechargeable batteries, you can run them on the stock bulb.:welcome:
Yeah I want to go LED. Do you all think that multiple powerlevels are something I should look at?
Multi-mode/level lights are all a matter of preference. It all depends on what you need in a light. For me, I want instant high from all of my lights, except for the one I keep in the car, which has high/med/low/strobe. You could always get 2 cheap DX drop-in's, one single mode and one multi.
I've got the incandescent and LED versions of the G2 and 6P and just yesterday got the E1B.

My impressions are that the E1B will amaze you for the amount of light it puts out for something so small. Whilst I wont' get rid of my G2L or 6PL or G2ZL I wonder if I hadn't already bought them if I would have been quite so impressed if the E1B had already been out at the time I purchased the other lights?

For me the 6PL and G2L/G2ZL are about long run times and durability combined with American craftmanship and the fantastic Surefire warranty. There are plenty of LED lights out there by other manufacturers which are cheaper and or much more powerful than these lights but none IMHO come close to longevity or usefulness. The advantage of the new E1B is that it combines power and versatility in a much smaller package. The disadvantage is a shorter battery burn time and (depending on your point of view) less gripability.

My advice would be to go to a B&M store and try them all before you decide?

I'd actually suggest a really cheap light of good quality, the Romisen RC-F4. Good output(brighter then the G2L), good runtime, and cheap. But it takes a month to get to you(snail mail from HK).

There are many lights that will outperform Surefire's lights. The light I liked to above outperforms the G2L at more then 4x cheaper. It won't be as well built though(still pretty good for the price). There are also lights more expensive or within the price range that will out lumen and out throw the G2L. The main "problem" is you can't see or test the other lights before you buy(because they aren't available in normal stores).

The main question would be what do you need the light for?

I'd suggest reading the Welcome Mat to clarify some of the stuff you will come across.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask either via PM, or starting a thread (well, I'd suggest searching before you start a thread just in case the question has been recently answered).
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Multi level is, in my opinion, for longer battery life or for being discrete in public places. For most things, single level is fine. Also, many people carry a second light for various reasons. If the light on your keys or zipper pull is nice and low, then you may not care about multi levels. If you only carry one light, or are not using rechargeables, than you may want at least one lower mode. It is easier and less expensive to buy a small AAA or coin cell light for low, and a single level high output light, than to find one that combines all the qualities you want in a single light. You might carry a Fenix E0 or L0D on a keychain, and then be able to carry a high output Surefire scorcher for when you want that kind of output.
I've been looking for a good light to carry with me and I like the G2.... well maybe.... or the 6p or possibly the E1B. I've seem the G2 and its pretty bright I haven't seen the other 2 in person. My question is of these what do you like and are there better lights of similer size? Maybe a mod up a cheaper light or even 1 of these 3? The smaller the better but I want something with at least what I saw the G2 put out. I am ok with the 123 battery, I'd probably pick up a couple of sets of rechargeables. Suggestions?

You're new here...Welcome to CPF !!! Eventually, you'll get all three, trust us, you Are you in a cold climate ? The G2 is much easier to hold bare handed in cold weather. Metal lights (6P), well, it's like holding ice cubes in your hand. The G2 is a great light, I have two. Eventually you'll have two........and a 6P.........and E1B.........and...........
Wow It just keeps on getting deeper....How deep does this rabbit hole go? Every one who posts a link or makes a suggestion leads me to a thread to another to another... You could spend weeks reading them... From what I've been seeing there seems to be quite a few lights that are as good or better than the G2 for cheaper. I appriciate the help.. Keep the suggestions and newbee tips comming
What do you need the light for? This will help narrow down the selection.

The rabbit hole goes pretty deep, that's why we have flashlights so we can see! :p
Well I just got my first gun (Springfield XD 45) and I was looking for a flashlight to pair with it for the home. Then I started thinking I should have an edc light so I am looking for something to do both. I know, I know I should buy 2 lights but I think I can come up with something servicable for both. I want something good and bright but I really don't wanna drop the $$$$ for 2 lights I need another gun :D

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