Surefire G2 update


Feb 21, 2004
This may be old news. Surefire e-mailed me today that the new 2005 G2 will have a lock-out tail cap for the first time, and a lexan lens. They claim delivery May/June.
Yes, but did they email you with a price change?

(He asks while shooting sideway glances at his new G2 without a lockout cap /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/awman.gif )
rgc said:
Yes, but did they email you with a price change?

(He asks while shooting sideway glances at his new G2 without a lockout cap /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/awman.gif )

[/ QUOTE ]

NO....holding my breath.
Hmm I never knew that the G2 DIDNT have glass lens. What material was the lens made out of? Dont tell me, "shatterproof" polycarbonate?
The LockOut TailCap (LOTC) for the G2 has not yet been introduced. It will take quite a while for it to filter into production. It is intended to be released this year.

The G2 features a Lexan window with AR (Anti-Reflective) coatings.

The G2Z features a tempered Pyrex window (also AR coated).

The bezels are interchangeable.

Size15's said:
The LockOut TailCap (LOTC) for the G2 has not yet been introduced. It will take quite a while for it to filter into production. It is intended to be released this year.

The G2 features a Lexan window with AR (Anti-Reflective) coatings.

The G2Z features a tempered Pyrex window (also AR coated).

The bezels are interchangeable.


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Al, you did it again.. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif There is just no mystery once you speak..