SureFire Kroma with a three stage tailcap.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2008
I recieved a new Kroma from SureFire as a replacement for the one SureFire repairs department wrecked (my beloved Kroma). So I pull it out of the box only to find that the tailcap has three stages! Low,high and high slightly dimmed when you let off a little. It was neat at first, but when you twist it on low for red or blue and press it harder for high and let off it stays on high though slightly dimmed. SureFire already sent me a new tailcap and it didn't help. I messed with the contact points and that helped a little, but it still doesn't work right! I need some advice.
My first troubleshooting step would be to apply De-Oxit and Pro-Gold to all of the contact points.
This thread is a little old but what batteries are you using?

I have the same thing happen when i use RCR123 batteries. but if I use primaries this problem doesnt happen.