Surefire L7


Newly Enlightened
Jul 8, 2007
North Carolina
Welp, I tried to search and nothing popped up. I am looking for my next light purchase. I have a surefire e2d,L4,g2 and some inova's and penix's but now I want guilt free lumens. I have my hopes set on the surefire L7 because its bright as hell (for lack of better terms) , rechargable, comes with 2 batteries and has a car charger. The only drawback is I have seen only 1 review about it online and I have a few questions.

1. What type of head does it use, does it throw or is it a "wall of light" like my l4.
2. Compared to a mini-mag, how about size. I know it wont be an edc :duh2:
3. The tail cap actually "pushes" the battery up to connect its circuit, is there anyway to put a foward clickie on it?
4. Box said 75 says 100, whats up with that? Also my L4 is said to have 100 lumens on the website but most reviews has it about 60+ or - a few. Any clarity on that would help.
5. Generally feed back on it from owners, this will probally be my last major flashlight purchase besides a red a2 or older L1, so I wanna make it count XD

Thanks in advance for any info
Enter Surefire L7 in the Google Search (CPF only) at the top of every CPF page. Something will come up.

1. What type of head does it use, does it throw or is it a "wall of light" like my l4.
2. Compared to a mini-mag, how about size. I know it wont be an edc :duh2:
3. The tail cap actually "pushes" the battery up to connect its circuit, is there anyway to put a foward clickie on it?
4. Box said 75 says 100, whats up with that? Also my L4 is said to have 100 lumens on the website but most reviews has it about 60+ or - a few. Any clarity on that would help.
5. Generally feed back on it from owners, this will probally be my last major flashlight purchase besides a red a2 or older L1, so I wanna make it count XD

It is a definite throw, much smaller and brighter hotspot than the L4, not much spill , very defined "cone" of light!
Size? Like this:

There is no way to fit a clickie to the body, neither to use a clickie tail-cap at all with the head without major redesigning/rebuilding.
Total output not much more than the L4, but as previously said, very different beam-shape.
If I had not bought this one as my first Surefire, also looking for a versatile light and charger, I would not have gotten it today.
I have now much smaller, brighter and still "guilt free" use with rechargeable batteries and both incan and LED, so this is a light that has started to collect dust by now.
But really not a bad light, just big and using the wrong kind of batteries!
SilverFox has a thread where he is selling a better quality NiMh battery pack for the L7. Also works with incans using the same body.

The L7 is a great light minus the fact that it is really long and some what heavier than the 1 or 2 CR123A cell lights. The light output is really strong but keep in mind it can run for ~1.5 hours on high and ~1hour on diminishing and then 2+ hours on a tail of around a lumen or 5. The light is really nice and I wouldn't mind getting a second one. Hey labrat, mind mailing that L7 to me?
I've owned an L7 for a while now. I'd say that it was good at the time of purchase but now it's dated and way overpriced. (I've upgraded mine but it's not worth buying just to upgrade IMO)

The stock 3.6V 1800mAh Nicad battery is very old technology and the Luxeon V has been superceded by the new Cree/Seoul LEDs.

For the same money, you could buy the Aleph19 XR-E head, 18650 Leef body and tailcap, along with AW 18650 cells and charger. This is brighter, throws further, better runtime and is much smaller and lighter. Plus it has a clickie. There really is no comparison.
The Pelican 7060 looks to be a ready replacement for the L7. Similar size, the Pelican has cradle charging (like the L7), but has higher output and has a lithium battery.