Surefire, Leef, Fenix..oh my! (KL4, P3D)


Mar 3, 2007
The Lone Star State
Paid a visit to Lighthound again this morning and bought a few things. Great place to blow your hard earned cash. :naughty:


Top to bottom:
1. 9P head, Leef 2x123 body, Leef McClicky hex tailcap (bought tailcap today)

2. KL4 head, Leef 2x123 body, Surefire Z59 tailcap (color scheme intentional)

3. Fenix P3D

Wall beamshots and practical beamshots tonight. Stay tuned. :twothumbs
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Re: Surefire, Leef, Fenix..oh my!

Wall shots. Sorry about the angle. I took them each in two exposures.

Wolf-Eyes 170 lumen HO module (2xRCR123 @ 3.7v each)


P3D (2xCR123)


KL4 (1x 18650 @ 3.7v)

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Re: Surefire, Leef, Fenix..oh my!

Back to the dog house so soon after your last visit? Your building quite an SF lego collection.
Re: Surefire, Leef, Fenix..oh my!

Back to the dog house so soon after your last visit? Your building quite an SF lego collection.

It's hard not to visit them when they are literally in your backyard. Well not really that close.. About a 30 minute drive. :cool:

I can tell you one thing from browsing the items there. The black P2D's are a hot item. I think there was one left. Plenty of naturals though. More are due to arrive hopefully this week.

A few more hours and practical shots will be taken and posted.
Last set for the evening..I tried taking them the best I could.
Top to bottom:
1. Wolf-Eyes High Output 170 lumen D26 module on 2xRCR123 ~7.4v.
2. Fenix P3D on 2xRCR123 ~7.4v
3. Surefire KL4 on 18650 3.7v



Thanks for the clarification.
Love your beamshots and the way you capture them.
Very practical.

Thanks. I can only do so much around the house. :p In all honesty we use flashlights to look for stuff or see where we are going. Wall shots although nice don't prove anything to me. Application is where it's at. All my beamshots are either outside or indoors. This is also useful to people in my field (law enforcement). We NEED to be able to see what's in front of us. Again, wall shots don't do it.