Surefire Lego


Mar 23, 2006
I do love surefire E series, and playing SF lego. What a big kid i am. Anyone got any pics of their collection? Heres my small lego collection.

LOVE the first two lights, what are the component pieces? That is the size I'm stiving to get to, a Q3 or smaller single cell. #2 has a clip, so it's the winner with me.
No pic of the intire collection as it is never stable :D ... but a few nice examples of E-Series Lego.
SF E-Series is such a nice topic ... :D :D


SF KL4 on Rothrandir Adapter and Arc LS twisty


SF KL5 on TB18650 Tube via DSpeck E2C and Aleph E-Series tailcap


SF E2e body with Aleph3 head and Aleph 2-stage Cap


SF KL4 on Aleph 2x123 flared body and FT Aleph Tailcap


SF E1e-HABK with E2D tailcap and modded L1 head

:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: Wow, why did i start this thread. Im gonna have to spend some money now. Love the KL4 on the Arc body, how compact is that. :drool:

Powernoodle, whats the first pic of? Is that a CR2 body? Looks really cool.
kooter ... that is not an Arc body ... it is an adapter myde by member Rothrandir that joins a SF E-Series head to an Arc-LS twisty switch for 1x123 lights.

And Powernoodles body in th efirst pic (if I may answer that one, too :p) ... is an Aleph CR2 body.

Here's some Aleph stuff ... E-Series compatible:




Some other ... very old ... E-Series Zombies:




Powernoodle please do a side by side of the 2 lights.....I'd really like to see the Actual difference in size.

Kiessling where do I get one of those awesome ROTHRANDIR adaptors?
Is that a body? How much that light looks so nice!
I just bought a KL4 and would love for it to look just like that.
Please let me know
Powernoodle please do a side by side of the 2 lights.....

If you are referring to the L4 and CR2/KL4, I only have one KL4 head so I can't do a comparo. I don't yet have a pic of the CR2/KL4 vs. SF M3T+A19 extender if thats what you mean. :)

Third from the right, below, is an E1e/KL4 with some well-known lights. If you go with a CR2 body and flattop tail, its probably 0.5" - 0.75" shorter.

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DaFABRICATA ... it is this part:


And unfortuntely, it is unobtainium. Roth made a handful if at all, and others who made some didn't go into production, so ... this will be very difficult to obtain one like it.

Cribbage ... it is a HA-Black E1e (there was a small series of those some years back) originally made by SF with a E2D switch equipped with a McE2S 2-stage module from McGizmo.
The head is of a HA black L1 (also small series made by SF in the past) modded by McGizmo with a LuxeonV LED and a BB600 driver. It runs for about 30minutes on 1xCR123 and can also be mounted on a 2x123 body like this:


The beam is a flood beam, even floodier with the SF L4, and it has a donut hole :D
Efficiency-wise this light loses against the new LEDs. But I love it. It is one of the most beautiful and cute lights I have, and it is a McGizmo made light.


Anyone know where i can get the Aleph black CR2 body? I have the HA natural, but want to make another light up in black. Just love those stubby little lights.

Cool collections guys. Any more to come? :grin2:
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but WOW, these E-mods are awesome looking lights.

I'm really interested in making up my own 1-cell E-clone, like starting with the Aleph CR2 then picking a head and a tail...

Questions for those who know... is Aleph a brand or a style? Do all Aleph parts fit Surefire E-series lights?
I sure would like to have another Aleph 2x123 body. Will any more ever be made?
I can play tooo. Single Cell 335 Lumens...tested by MrGman
Surefire E1b, E to C adaptor collar from LU60A, 6P bezel, Malkoff P7. Still trying to fix the picture size.
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