surefire legos to bore?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 21, 2008
Hi all, I would like to build affordable lego setup. I already have a surefire 6p which i'm going to get bored, as I understood that is doable?

Does anyone know can these be bored to accept 18650's?

If I get two extenders and bore them to 18mm, that would make me very much of different size/output configurations.

1X18650 2X18500 2X18650 + turbohead etc.. That would be a nice affordable customizable light.

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Ouch. Ran out of stock again. Well, instead i ordered a 2x18500 leef body. Im getting the extender later so I can convert to 2X18650 when extra runtime is needed. I would still like to hear opinions about original setup. I think it is really good value.

I have both a 2x18500 leef body and a solarforce extension on order - it will be about 3 weeks before I can play with them due to my travel schedule, but using the two together to take two 18650's is an interesting idea. I will let you know if the solarforce extension will take an 18mm diameter when I get the stuff (if nobody else here has answered the question by then.)

I have both a 2x18500 leef body and a solarforce extension on order - it will be about 3 weeks before I can play with them due to my travel schedule, but using the two together to take two 18650's is an interesting idea. I will let you know if the solarforce extension will take an 18mm diameter when I get the stuff (if nobody else here has answered the question by then.)
I'm pretty sure the solarforce ext will not fit 18mm cells but YMMV. 17mm protected cells fit almost perfectly in the one I have. Hopefully yours does fit though. Let us know.