Surefire + Lumens Factory ?

Roland of Gilead

Newly Enlightened
Sep 12, 2010

First off, I am really glad I found this site. I have found out a lot of information and spent a lot of money on I never knew I needed.

I have 2 questions. I know Surefire, until recently, would down rate the lumen rating on their LEDs. Did they do this with the Incans as well?

I have a Surefire E2e and E1e that I was looking to get more output while still running primary cells. I see that Lumens Factory offers that. 110 versus factory 60 lumens and 40 versus factory 15 lumens. Is that really the difference or are they actually closer? I read the sticky about lumen output but that involved rechargeable Li-ion cells. If the Lumens Factory bulbs do put out more then they might become my new favorite bulbs for my E2e, E1e, G2, G3 and my 14 year old round body 6P.

Thanks for the help.
Well, just last night I got in both my 6P and my EO-6.

I'm new to "good" incans.

The P60, when I fired it up gave me the reaction of "Wow, that's a very warm, pleasing, and bright beam"

With the EO-6, I fired it up and was startled at the output! Turned the light into a flamethrower!

I probably won't use the EO-6 because it's too much for what I want to do with the 6P, but it is BRIGHT. Color rendition is the same as daylight.

Don't hesitate to stick a flamethrower in your SF lights. I can't speak personally to what the Executive lamps do, but the C series lamps are no joke.
I have been running an EO-E1R (3.6V, 90 Lumens) Extreme High Output Lamp Assembly in my E2 on one AW protected 17670 li-on (3.7V). It works really well.

If you choose to go the one battery (17670 rechargeable) route rather than the two battery (2xCR123 rechargeable) route, make sure your E2/E2e body's inside diameter will accept a 17670. Many, if not most of the newer E series work good with two CR123 batteries but are too tight for the rechargeable to fit all the way down inside the tube near the tailcap end. The older E lights usually fit a 17670.
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They say that multiplying the bulb lumens (ie. Lumens Factory) by 0.65 will give you roughly the Surefire lumens (out the front). This doesn't work in all cases but that's the general rule quoted around here. LF bulbs also tend to out-throw their SF counterparts and typically have a smaller/brighter hotspot which makes them look brighter.
I firgured the numbers would be close while running cr123s. I'm just now exploring the rechargeable side of batteries. I bought a Oveready bored 6p with AW 18650 3.7v 2900mAh running a Malkoff right now while I figure out what I want to put in it. It does appear that rechargeables allow either more output or longer runtime for the Incans so I will be looking into those as well. I really enjoy the E-series light. I also have an E2DL and E1B but I carry my E2e and E1e alot more often.

Thanks for the info.