SureFire M3-CB -> M3T -> M4 --- I LIKE!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 15, 2003
Hi Guys,

Piece by piece I have turned my SureFire M3 with basically a close-quarters head into a throw monster M4.

The M3-CB never really did much for me. Sure, the HOLA put out some light, but it wasn't very useful for me. I live in a rural area and have a lot more use for something that puts out a lot of lumens at distance.

First came the turbo head conversion. That made a giant difference. It didn't do anything special at close range, but give it 50 yards or more, and wow! The other night I used it with the M3 HOLA (MN16) and my 8x30 binoculars to watch coyotes catching mice from about 350 yards.

Finally with a 1-cell extender and some MN60/61 LAs it is more or less an M4. I was surprized that the 350-lumen lamp wasn't a whole lot brighter than the 225-lumen lamp. The MN61 put out more light, but it has a bigger hot spot too, making the actual throw pretty comparable between the two LAs.

The 60-minute runtime at nominal 225 lumens is perfect for me. This must be about the most efficient SureFire incan is it not? The M6 does a nominal 250 lumens for an hour, but that is a pretty minor (and I imagine barely discernable) increase at a cost of 2 more cells.

I am using an SW02 clickie instead of the regular tailcap. The SW02 is more conveniently locked out (for me), and has a guard around the button for further protection.

I'm so pleased with the setup I just thought I'd post and let anyone who is considering the same thing know.

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I have a similar setup, but rechargeable. I am using one of Leef's 2x 18650 bodies with the KT4 and SW02 and the MN20. Nice light! :)

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My throw light is just as you have described - Surefire M3T lego. I even EDC it in my kit with the extender and a selection of bulbs.

Your next step is a few sets of Lion's. 2x17500 fit without an extender and give you ~50 minutes on the MN15. Add the extender and 2x17670's fit and you get ~1.5 hrs on a set. If anything the MN15 gets driven a bit harder by the Lion cells and looks great, the MN16 works as well but at much lower run time as to be expected.

Once you have experienced "guilt free lumens" with a M3T lego kit, you have reached a new level.

Have fun
All hail the Surefire lego :bow:

I love my C3 with the KT2 turbohead. I run mine with a cell extender and 2x17670's. Currently I am using the MN16, and have been very impressed with it. I also have an MN15 for back-up or extended runtime needs.

When the time comes, I will upgrade to a leaf 2x18650 body so I will have more juice. Then I think I will pick up some M6 bulbs to try out :grin2:
Hmmm. . .

I happen to have a couple of protected 17670s on my desk, fully charged as I type this. I'll have to dig up my MN15 and see how that works.

Dumb question: How do you tell when to recharge the batts? I don't want to over-discharge them.

beezaur said:
Hmmm. . .

I happen to have a couple of protected 17670s on my desk, fully charged as I type this. I'll have to dig up my MN15 and see how that works.

Dumb question: How do you tell when to recharge the batts? I don't want to over-discharge them.


As long as your cells are protected, there is no need to worry about over-draining them. Just run the light until the protection kicks in on the batteries, then the light will just shut off. Thats one of the beauties of protected cells :)

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