Surefire M3 holds D36 LED or incan modules.

Sgt. LED

Sep 4, 2007
Chesapeake, Ohio
I took the failed Unique LongGunLight and made myself something usefull!

I was looking at how similar the LGL bezel was to photo's of the Surefire M3 bezel and thought I would take a gamble. I looked around the Marketplace for a few days and sure enough I found one for pretty cheap.

As soon as the M3 bezel arrived I tossed it into a pan bezel down with about 3 inches of water in it. After it boiled for about 4 minutes I took it out and put the hex nut on the rear of it to use. I quickly wrapped a belt around it and put it into a large pipe wrench to hold it still. On the other end I stuck one of those wooden 12 inch paint roller handles between the crennelations (it was just the right size around and wouldn't harm the finish) and pushed down and twisted hard. There was a nasty grating sound and off she came! No HA damage at all.

When I got it apart I saw how well everything fit and was worried for a second! Instead of the new reflector butting up against the stock foam ring used as a shock absorber I found the same foam provided the perfect fit if placed around the reflector. There ended up being about 1.2mm difference in diameter (guessing here) between the 2. Using the stock foam ring it takes effort to move the drop-in at all so no rattle, no missalignment. Even though it is a little smaller around the new one is alot deeper!

The drop-in is a Q5 with an OP reflector that can run up to 15V and is slightly brighter and throws better than my M60 drop in running in a 2X18650 leef body. Due to the larger diameter that D26's and deeper reflector than the stock M3 it throws pretty well but since it is a true OP reflector purpose built throwers like MRV's out-do it handily. This fellow has quite a bright spill, very usefull indeed. I don't know the drive level so I can't do the math for runtime estimates. The pill comes out with no problem so down the road I can easily swap emitters come upgrade time.:thumbsup:

I don't have an M3 or an M4 body to use with it so I did the only thing I could........... Yep the dreaded Sea Cucumber! Eventually I will find the proper body it deserves cheap on the marketplace but till then I am running it on 2X18650's in the M6 body. Terrible I know..... This thing fits and runs like it was made for it though! I do wonder if it would be ok to run it on the factory M6 battery holder? How much juice does that thing put out with those 6 batteries anyway? :thinking:

I took a chance and it worked like a charm, boy did I get lucky. Any D36 lamp or LED will easily fit into this head!:grin2:

I will take some beamshots and update the thread with them later on. After all that's what everyone likes looking at around here!






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Re: Surefire M3 into M3L. What do you think?

Do you have any beamshots of this setup?
Re: Surefire M3 into M3L. Good/Bad?

I now have an M4 body and a Ti RPM bezel ring on the M3 head with a Z48 switch.

Awesome LEGO light! As time goes by I will spend the money to upgrade the emitter. Perhaps that 4 die Cree will make it in there at some point...........
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Re: Surefire M3 into M3L. Good/Bad?

As an update I now have back up on my theory that a D36 size lamp or LED module will fit in an M3 head. Just needs minor spring work. Donn_ did it with no problem.

Now anyone can do this if they want.
Lumensfactory had special tint smooth reflectored R2 D36 drop-in's for killer throw! Wolf-Eyes has LED modules in this size too!
Not to mention all the new incan options this can evolve into..............

Happy Modding! :twothumbs
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Re: Surefire M3 into M3L. Good/Bad?

Bump. Wheres' those beamshots? LOL! Is the head hard to open? I have one on the way and a D36!
AW, It was a piece of cake. :thumbsup: I need a better, warmer, LED and a good driver. What I got is flexible voltage wise but not as powerful as I want. I want to run it on 4 primary cells.

Here's what it looks like now, it's in the top left.
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It'd be close...............:shrug: Might need to trim the reflector down a bit.
If I had that head I'd give it a shot.

I totally forgot about this thread :ohgeez:and the beamshots!

Also, I kept the driver for now but I went with a Q3 5A LED a couple of weeks ago. It's working well and the tint is way better outside when looking at trees and grass.

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