Surefire recomendations

what do you want to use it for?

You must know you'll get heaps of answers, there are so many lights. all for different uses. How about giving us a clue...
I've heard so much raving about the L1 that i just (tonight) sold my 6PL to help finance one. Unless you have some specific need that requires something different, the L1 seems to be the mac-daddy.
What are you going to be using it for? That should help us give more useful suggestions :thumbsup:

i need the light for edc and my work where i need to illuminate shadows created by overhead lighting in engines and under tables and such. i have an e1l cree but it just isnt cutting it in the brightness department for these tasks. thanks for the replies!
Go with the L1 the variable output may serve you better for up-close tasks compared to the fixed flood of the L4.
The L1, L2, or L4. However, if you don't have an A2, get one, it is considered a "classic surefire model" by most members. Other than that maybe a 6PLED or a G2 LED (you can get 3 of those with your budget, 2 of the 6PLEDs). Actually why not get a G2LED ($65) and a L1 Cree (135), that toals to 200 flat.
The L1 CREE is, I think, one of the most versatile and all around EDC useful flashlights that SureFire produces. Info from an inside source at SF tells me that CPF recommendations among members has had a tremendous effect on their sales of the L1 Cree model. I know I'll never part with mine and may buy another one.

:twothumbs :poke: :sick:
i need the light for edc and my work where i need to illuminate shadows created by overhead lighting in engines and under tables and such. i have an e1l cree but it just isnt cutting it in the brightness department for these tasks. thanks for the replies!

The L1 may be bright enough but I believe the latest L4 and L5 is much brighter and it's in your budget. The 6P the G2, and the C2 all have the capability to accept the 100+ lumen P61 lamp assembly and they would be in your budget. If you want LED you can buy one of the 200 + lumen after market modules and still be within your budget.

With your budget my vote is the L4 or the C2 with Bugout gear 230 lumen drop in module.

Good Luck.
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i need the light for edc and my work where i need to illuminate shadows created by overhead lighting in engines and under tables and such. i have an e1l cree but it just isnt cutting it in the brightness department for these tasks. thanks for the replies!

If you are going to edc the light, I would go with the L1. Smaller form factor and two levels of light.
Either the L1 or A2 would be an excellent choice, an A2 might be better, as the incan bulb is better at dealing with the effects of ambient light, LED's get washed out, Incan will cut right through

a couple months ago, I took my old car to the mechanic to get a fluid leak checked out, it was midafternoon, I tried using my E1L-SR (approx. 90ish lumens) to point out the leak, but the beam was overpowered by ambient light, I unholstered my A2 (75ish actual lumens), fired up the incan, and illuminated the leak clearly, ambient light in the engine bay was not an issue, the A2 powered past it

either one is an excellent choice
I would definately vote for the A2. Everybody needs one.

There's just something special about it. Practical uses aside, it's the classiest flashlight I've ever had.

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