"Surefire samples" post on BST.Agree or disagree?

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Newly Enlightened
Jan 23, 2005
Central valley, California
\"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagree?

Edit 1:23 PST
I see a lot af views already. Please take a moment to post your feelings on my rant. This is just like voting, doing something is the only way to make yourself heard. If you have adifferent point of view, I'm a big boy and can take constructive criticism if you feel you can present a different point of view. Of course, those who agree are also encouraged to post as well. Perhaps we can have a new BST section for dealers if nothing else.


I went on a mini rant regarding the way the sale was handled but you can read for yourself by pulling up the thread.
I somehow felt obligated to stand up for the "little guy" here on CPF and asked for certain items be listed single instead of a "package deal" that a lot of us can't afford but could buy a "One of". My gripe is this: After seeing countless "package deals" here on CPF and then hours or days later see the same items selling individually at higher prices. That's great for those who buy and sell a lot on here but not so great for the little guy. I wish we had less "middlemen" or had a seperate BST for dealers or package deals. I just asked them to consider offering single items and when I got attitude I frittered!

I completely understand how business is done as I have owned four in my lifetime. I also have been employed in positions that required very close contact and relations with customers so I KNOW what customer service is! This ain't it, folks!

Some will agree with me and some will not, that doesn't bother me. That is just the nature of people in general If no one disagreed, how would the world function? It's all in how you are treated! I was angered by the way I was spoken to and by the fact that countycomm saw nothing wrong with the buyer (not seller) not posting on the forum. I was under the impression from reading the rules that the moderators were asking for us to post an obligatory "I'll take it" as a courtesy to other CPF'rs. There seems to still be a lot of confusion or something over proper forum etiquette, and then there are a few that feel this doesn't apply to them.

Please don't skip the part about them feeling privacy was a big concern for their customers!

OK, it's out of my system now!

Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagree?

I'm on your side /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/buttrock.gif
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

yeaah, this has been his second time doing it too, if i recall properly. He was selling 10 arc aaa's as a package for 700US, and he wouldnt part it out...i lost my chance there. O well! there are others

Maybe you can post what you would like in the BST forum, and list a price, and have ppl that are interested in selling their items come to you

Just my 2 cents
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagree?

Well...only since you asked... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I might've been interested in a single set for myself too. But I read the post, saw that they were selling as a lot, and knowing that the sellers set the terms in this forum- said "oh well"... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif

I think most of the posts that followed would be considered trashing the thread.

I also think that the hypothetical "little guy" might have had a better chance at getting a single unit if they would have made a polite phone call or PM.

Also, there is a more appropriate place for people to bicker... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad71.gif
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagree?

I think frank shoulda sent out those samples for free...after all, arnt samples suppose to be free??? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Just kidding Frank, dont put me in your bad book
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

Point taken lazerburnz. However if you will read more carfully, you will see I made that phone call and was treated VERY rudely!

As for trashing the thread, you should understand that is why I posted to make all comments here. The underground seems to be closed for posting so this is the only alternative.

Your comments are appreciated as are any others, no matter what the point of view. This can only help me deal with what I feel is an injustice but I DO reserve the right for rebuttal /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nana.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Anyone who sells on CPF should be held to high standards for customer service. That is ultimately what this boils down to.

Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

Ok Dimwatt I think you are on to something, We will reconsider our specials page and any other Product Sorry for your trauma I imposed on you but here we go....Since I am the "***" of the day .....we have taken down our specials until further notice.....The *** of the Day...Nick
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

I do have a tendency to play "Devils Advocate" sometimes /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin07.gif

It appeared that you made the phone call after the posts. Sorry if I misunderstood.

I'm not taking sides on who I think is right (I see both points of view) and I'm not commenting on the "he-said-he-said" since I wasn't in the converstion.

I was only presenting my opinion of the rant itself (as you requested). /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin07.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

Lazer: Understood /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif
moephiues: Too funny! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif

I need some humor about now!

I just sent an e mail to Frank. Just have to wait and see if he responds. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif I'm ready to go 15 rounds!

dimwatt /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/au.gif
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

Bottom line is the seller can choose how,when and to who they want to sell to.
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

CountyComm said:
Ok Dimwatt I think you are on to something, We will reconsider our specials page and any other Product Sorry for your trauma I imposed on you but here we go....Since I am the "***" of the day .....we have taken down our specials until further notice.....The *** of the Day...Nick

[/ QUOTE ]

Well he did take it down! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif

Nick you might be bordering on proving Dimwatts point.
At the very least this action/reaction is not very professional. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

Malpaso said:
rycen said:
Bottom line is the seller can cosse how,when and to who they want to sell to.

[/ QUOTE ]

More importantly, the buyer can choose whom to do business with. A buyer can go without buying, a seller needs to sell, if they want to stay in business.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heard you the first time!
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

Well here it goes, and without any politcal spin.

In a capitalist market, people are allowed to do as they please. Certain people will sell in bulk (either hundreds or thousands, or possibly even more than that) and some will sell things individually. That's just how things are. If you don't want people to sell in bulk, well then you are going to be paying some pretty high prices for things that are even less available. Buying in bulk, in general, I believe, helps everyone.

I don't exactly consider four things to be in "bulk."

If you are looking for something on CPF, I highly recommend you post a WTB thread, and ask for what you want. I am sure since people are selling things all the time on CPF, that you will be able to find something, with some perserverance.

I know some people that buy things in bulk, and turn around and sell them individually for cheaper than buying individually from the source. So it can help you.
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

I will say it again if you like!
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

rycen said:
I will say it again if you like!

[/ QUOTE ]

ahahaa /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/clap.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif
Anyways, sorry to go OT
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wow.gif With all the testosterone emanating here and the "I'll take my ball and go home" syndrome happening maybe we all just need to /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grouphug.gif .../ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink2.gif
Re: \"Surefire samples\" post on BST.Agree or disagr

Reference "this thread" and the one here as well.

Ok...this has gone far enough and this IS NOT THE PLACE!

Too many posters & points to specifically address by name, so I'm going to post some comments to some selective quotes from above. My comments will be in blue and italicized.
After seeing countless "package deals" here on CPF and then hours or days later see the same items selling individually at higher prices.

<font color="blue">Then perhaps this should have been addressed as a general post in the "Problems/Suggestions Forum" in reference to the way we do business here, instead of what appeared to be a selective and personal attack (which is the way I read it)? </font>

I was angered by the way I was spoken to and by the fact that countycomm saw nothing wrong with the buyer (not seller) not posting on the forum. I was under the impression from reading the rules that the moderators were asking for us to post an obligatory "I'll take it" as a courtesy to other CPF'rs.

<font color="red">From the CPF B/S/T Forums Policies (under the Seller):

Communications: State whether you will honor Private Messages, E-mails, posts in your sale thread or other means for the buyer to notifiy you that he is interested or wanting it. Will you honor the first "I'll take it" in the thread, Private Message confirmation, E-mail confirmation, posts in your sale thread, or other means for the buyer to notify you that they are interested or willing to purchase at your stated terms.</font>

<font color="blue">...see above in black and then; "...'asking' used in conjunction with 'obligatory'...the word "asking" is correct - not "obligatory", it's merely suggested to the seller to post what terms he will accept to indicate what he considers a commitment to buy and his willingness to sell to that buyer (to help prevent confusion). CC stated their terms in the first post.</font>

There seems to still be a lot of confusion or something over proper forum etiquette, and then there are a few that feel this doesn't apply to them.

<font color="blue">Totally agreed upon! That's why the "Suggested Reading & CPF B/S/T Forums Policies" were written and posted as stickies! We are indeed open minded as well and if there are some "rough edges" that can be "sanded down"..please feel free to contact the CPF Staff with suggestions for improvement. Understand that suggestions which apply to 1 or 2 individuals may not be considered in the best interest of the overall membership.</font>

But I read the post, saw that they were selling as a lot, and knowing that the sellers set the terms in this forum- said "oh well"...

think most of the posts that followed would be considered trashing the thread.

I also think that the hypothetical "little guy" might have had a better chance at getting a single unit if they would have made a polite phone call or PM.

Also, there is a more appropriate place for people to bicker...

<font color="blue">Total agreement and "been there"!</font>

As for trashing the thread, you should understand that is why I posted to make all comments here. The underground seems to be closed for posting so this is the only alternative.

<font color="blue">NEGATIVE! I don't know what the status of the Underground is... THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION FOR THIS HERE. Feel free to take it to Cheers~n~Jeers (within those guidelines) or where it probably should go "Under"!</font>

Anyone who sells on CPF should be held to high standards for customer service. .

<font color="blue">Agreed that anyone who sells here should conduct business properly. Communication causes many disputes and ill feelings which can typically be handled through Private Messages or emails - NOT IN PUBLIC. Reference use of the "Cheers~n~Jeers" Forum or again..."Under". HOWEVER UNDERSTAND, the CPF Staff will not get involved in transactions. These transactions are between the buyer and the seller (and by the way, this particular sale was posted in the B/S/T Forums NOT the "Dealer's Corner". Additionally understand that the dealers already have their own Forum as well, no need for yet another.)</font>

Bottom line is the seller can choose how,when and to who they want to sell to.

...the buyer can choose whom to do business with.

In a capitalist market, people are allowed to do as they please. Certain people will sell in bulk (either hundreds or thousands, or possibly even more than that) and some will sell things individually. That's just how things are. If you don't want people to sell in bulk, well then you are going to be paying some pretty high prices for things that are even less available. Buying in bulk, in general, I believe, helps everyone.

I don't exactly consider four things to be in "bulk."

If you are looking for something on CPF, I highly recommend you post a WTB thread, and ask for what you want. I am sure since people are selling things all the time on CPF, that you will be able to find something, with some perserverance.

I know some people that buy things in bulk, and turn around and sell them individually for cheaper than buying individually from the source. So it can help you.

<font color="blue">GREAT POINTS and agreed on here! PLEASE feel free to take this to "C~n~J", "Under", or contact the CPF Staff for further comments and suggestions!</font>

Thank you!
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