surefire stiletto pro 2


Newly Enlightened
Aug 11, 2006
revealed at shot show...

2 reflectors @1500 lumens/35,000 candela, & usb-c charging port.

rep stated on camera shipping projected q1, which tells me this probably isn't typical sf vaporware, but reckon we'll see.

don't recall policy posting links to youtube reviews or other sites so will forego doing so.

i've got the pro and will likely be picking this up as well.
Just my opinion I think the stilettos are so ugly. Not a fan of internal batteries that can't be changed out. Really wish they would get back on track with their E series lights or bring back discontinued models with updated LEDs. E1D, E1L, EB1, and others. E series are so universal and can lego with many parts.
Jeez that price....I guess because of the two separate emitters and what I would assume is two TIR lenses.(Or are they using regular reflectors here?)

Most likely won't pick one up, I was already chocking a bit with the edc2-dft price lol.

Highly doubt they're rolling out in q1, I mean they just started shipping turbos 2 months ago and that was released last year lol.
It does look nice. The cost is high but if you really want it, you can save up.

Seems like there are multiple actuators on it. That should be part of the high price. Ability to program sounds nice but wish ramping was part of it.
That's one nice feature of the Gladius, that ramping feature. Really wish more companies would offer that-easier to get just the level of illumination you want.
Oh c'mon! $350?! Really? I like SF but that's WAY too much.
I agree, price is way too much.

I understand raising prices incrementally to keep up with inflation, but that's too big a jump. Maybe they need to move out of ridiculously expensive Commiefornia to someplace else less expensive here in the States. I know Kansas would welcome SureFire with open arms, and being centrally located, the logistics would be good for the company and the nation.
It's not like we are talking vintage automobiles here. Flashlights that are $1200, yeah I'll pass. Consider how much money you have in total for all the flashlights you own. Then add $350 to it and see what percentage that new Stiletto is to your total. 25%? 10%?

If you really want it then decide it is not for you, sell it. This is a fun hobby with not that high a buy-in.

Hoping there are enough ridges and button textures to offer a reasonably secure grip on it.

Remember that SureFire has historically backed their products, so concern about a dud unit should not factor in.

Review your purchase here!
Ah, same slippery semi-wet fish body! No, thank you.
I've got the original as well as the Pro version of that light.
The Pro is actually more slippery.

I've had both, still have the Pro - never really thought it was slippery. You want slippery? Try a Prometheous MXS or the MX3F….. now they are slippery! Lol - great lights though!

I might have to try the Pro II - Hoping it has the floody beam of the Pro but, from what I've seen from Shot show , it might be a thrower now with a hot spot.🙁
Yeah, even though I can't afford this light at the moment. I still want to see some nighttime beamshots of this new Pro II model..

"slippery semi-wet fish body" and all.. :yellowlaugh:
I bought one today. Should have it by next Wednesday. Probably would have went with just the Pro, but the lack of USB C support made that a No Go for me.
First.... Welcome to CPF
Next.... Please let us know what you think of it after it arrives and you've had a chance to test it out.
First.... Welcome to CPF
Next.... Please let us know what you think of it after it arrives and you've had a chance to test it out.
I'll try to give it a go. I really don't have that much experience with Flashlights or much to compare it too at this point so I'm probably not going to be the best reviewer. I was interested in getting a flat flashlight and from the little research and it did appear this might be one of the best available.
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I'm sure it will be a good review if you just tell us what you bought it for and how well it performed. I was after the same thing a little while ago and went with a modded Streamlight Wedge, could not be happier with it but this Stiletto is really interesting.
I'm sure it will be a good review if you just tell us what you bought it for and how well it performed. I was after the same thing a little while ago and went with a modded Streamlight Wedge, could not be happier with it but this Stiletto is really interesting.
I briefly looked at the Streamlight Wedge and the Olight Arkfeld Pro. Either which would have been much less expensive however if buying a flat flashlight I personally wanted the one capable of producing more light. I found both of the other two interesting but I just kept coming back to the fact the Surefire was going to give me more light and this is the very reason I purchased it. I also thought I would like the way they have the two ways of switching it on and the way you could program it differently for those two different actuators. Although I want the ability of having all of that light I probably won't need it every time I turn it on. Anyway I found how they did that to be something that would be nice to have.

There were things I gave up to include not necessary liking the rubber cap on the charging port and the fact that would make it less waterproof, and the fact it maybe longer but it's capable of producing more light so that in itself was enough reason for me.
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