Surefire U2 Close to Being Delivered


Newly Enlightened
Mar 17, 2004
Just got a call from my supplier and the Surefire U2 is scheduled to be shipped to me on Tuesday (11/23/04) or Wednesday. Should have it by Monday as I won't be at work to receive on Friday and Thursday is a holiday for us Yanks.

Bummer is that Surefire is not allowing the supplier to provide free shipping. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif

Seems that Surefire is getting nasty about specials, pricing, shipping, delivery, etc. Why are they doing this? They get the same amount of money regardless of how much retail is charged for the product. Shipping is the shipper's problem, not Surefire.

Is Surefire fixing to put themselves in the position of a known nasty company and eliminate their major distributors? It's not price fixing as Surefire did not get together with another company and agree on a price it is simply Surefires pricing. But do they really want to aggravate those that know and use their products /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Anyway, I look forward to the U2's arrival.
Surefire can't tell a dealer to not provide free shipping on a product. They can tell the dealer how much to sell the light for, but I don't see how they would be able to prevent the dealer from offering free shipping.

LitFuse said:
Surefire can't tell a dealer to not provide free shipping on a product. They can tell the dealer how much to sell the light for, but I don't see how they would be able to prevent the dealer from offering free shipping.


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Well, that's what I would have thought also. Apparently Surefire is saying NO SPECIALS on orders for the light and free shipping is considered a "special" by Surefire's definition.

Surefire is on a path to really ticking some people off and losing sales. That is not good now that others can make a light just as good.

I am already commited to the order so I let it continue. However, if'n I was ordering new and was told by a supplier that I could get free shipping on light A, but with Surefire I cannot, I would certainly look elsewhere.

My next light purchase will most likely not be a Surefire as there are alternatives whose policies are not quite as draconian. Surefire needs to wake up and get realistic.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Well, if the free shipping is on this light only, then it is special. But if the free shipping is on all orders over a certain amount then it is not special.

For example if a company said that all our products have free shipping, then to charge shipping on the U2 would be a special.
turbodog said:
Warhoggie said:
ahhh...nm. I found the link to the pic. Thanks to size15s

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Looks like the "knob" is not AL.

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It seems a little hard to tell in that pic, but it definitely looks like it might be made of Nitrolon or a similar polymer. Somehow I'm thinking that it was made of AL though?

Size15s said:
The dial is a polymer material of some type. It is not metal.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope its at least made of nitrolon and not cheap plastic?
The dial is a polymer material of some type. It is not metal.

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/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sick2.gif Oh No.... If anyone here has been following the U2, I've posted my reservations about the light. This is one thing I didn't even think of. I just paid for my U2 and its on its way... but I have to admit, its the most worrisome $280 dollars I can ever remember spending. I really hope this baby lives up to its expections. But I have a bad feeling about this one! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mpr.gif
I don't see a problem with the dial being polymer (likely is Nitrolon).
I've been using the U2 (and before that a proto-type) for ages. There is nothing cheap or nasty about the dial. Metal to metal wear could be an issue otherwise.

I hope Doug over at is able to get a sample Surefire U2 to review. I always enjoy his reviews, and find them very helpful.
Hey Size15s, since you are the hopefully proud owner of a U2, do you think it is worth the 270.00? I hope it is not an unfair question since I suspect you are acquainted with Paul Kim, but really, what do you think about it? I want it so much, but DANG that is a lot of money for ANY light. Even my wife who likes my hobby and appreciates my lights balked at the price.
I have on one pre-order, and for me, the multiple brightness levels and the fact that the light is similar in size to the L5 = perfect winter jacket light for me. Takes Pilas? Very cool. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

Price is steep, but not when you compare it to the M900A and the M6. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/broke.gif
What do I think of the U2?

Well I've said this before, and okay, I'll say it again... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

The L2 is about the most ideal EDC flashlight I've yet tried.
Personally, I had hoped for more light output from the L5 and L6. Really, I'm used to the High Output Lamp Assemblies in the M2 and M3. LED's are not there yet. I think I'd still carry the HOLA incandescents over the LED versions if I needed to carry such a large flashlight.

And therefore, with the U2 being just a tiny bit shorter than the L5 (but the same size otherwise) what does it give that the L5 doesn't, and does it give more than the M2 (with P61) ??

The L5 (I now have three), and the U2 (I now have two) are the same output and beam shape (to my eyes and to both of the eyes of both of my housemates).

Whereas the L2 does much more than the L4 for me in terms of useful utility but in a longer package (which is not a bad thing - ask me in another thread if interested as to why). The U2 does significantly more than the L5 does in terms of useful utility but in a shorter package - which is down-right amazing!!

So if I'm used to carrying the L2 can I carry the U2?
Yes, but only really in 5.11's (which good because I wear them most of my waking life if at all possible). The bezel-down pocketclip is the most significant improvement - without it I would not be able to EDC the U2.

So if I'm used to using the two-stage L2 switch can I use the U2's switch and dial combination?
Herein lies the issue I have. I love the ease with which I can transition from low to high output with the two-stage switch. I love how I know what I'm gonna get. I don't tend to LockOut the L2 when I EDC it. I've never needed to since it doesn't come on in my pocket that I've ever been aware of. This makes it very fast to pull out and switch on. I've not found the need to LockOut the U2 either because of the bezel-down clipped method of carry. However, there is no way of knowing where the dial is set without turning it on.
If you remember that fully counter-clockwise is lowest, and fully clockwise is highest at least you know two of the levels. But, even if you leave it on lowest level you still have to dial up to the level you need in most situations and that needs a little bit more time and two hands.
At least with two outputs of the L2 I can have two options based on pressure on the push button pressure switch. Still, for constant-on I have to rotate the L2 which is a one-handed operation for low beam but easier and faster with two hands for high beam. The U2's Click switch is faster which is good.

Do I need the six levels for what I use light for?
I don't think so. Not in my use of the U2 at least. I need an output that is about the same as the lowest level (or perhaps even lower), and about the same as the highest level (or perhaps even higher). Maybe, I could use a middle level for general utility - kinda like the L2's low (or a bit brighter).

So the U2 isn't really for me?
It's not the most ideal set-up I've used. It can be carried, and is useful but the L2 is better suited.
Also, for "play" I like to strobe and flash flashlights. The U2 takes a not quite instantaneous lag to sense which level it is on. This involves switching on when the switch is activated and then quickly (less than a second, too fast for me to measure) changing to the level it is set at. What this means is that for clicking it on I don't notice it, but that when I "strobe" the switch on and off like I would other SureFires there is not time for the full output to be reached before I release the switch and switch it on again. This results in it not being as much fun.

So what is the U2 good for? - Loads!
I can see the U2 being really useful as a dutylight. As it can use after-market LiIon rechargeables it can be used as a LEO's duty rechargeable. This is one light that really can be used in many different situations where various levels of light are required, or where the need for longer battery life is needed between charges.
One LEO that I know has been using it will not give it back to the person it was sent to for evaluation from what I hear. And he's using it with SF123As not rechargeables!

Is it simple to use?
Yes. These one-switch lights that require you to remember how to operate them in order to get what you want from them are far more complicated to use than I find I can be bothered to deal with. That's why I love the two-stage switches.
The U2 is a click switch (which we all know how to use) with LockOut, and a rotating dial.
I think that some people will mark the levels on their bezels with dots of Tipex or something. Each U2 will have to have this done specifically I guess which would take ages to produce them using etching at SureFire.

Would I buy one?
Yes. Without a doubt! Any "SureFire fan" should. I also believe any "Flashaholic" should. Buy it over the L2 even.

Would I use it?
Not as much the L2 but more than most other SureFires. It makes me want to have a job on a night-shift to I have an excuse to get some Pila's for it!

Did I take it on holiday?
No, I took the L2 (which did a fantastic job too). I should have taken the U2 though. There were times when it really would have been better for what I was having to use the L2 for. Having said that I wished for the M6 for some purely practical reasons. Incandescent light is still king for seeing things in the distance more clearly I find.

The U2 is a significant step forward. It is practical and very simple to use.

just what do i have to do to get a light like the U2 long time before it is officially available?