surefire u2


Newly Enlightened
Feb 22, 2008
new jersey
hey everyone, i just found this sight yesterday, very cool. i was looking online yesterday at the surefire 2008 catalog, and noticed that the u2 is not in there anywhere that i see. does anyone know if it has been discontinued, and if so, for what reason. i guess i'm gonna have to hurry to pick one up.
didn't you notice the UA2 or the UB2? these are replacements for the U2, I've seen U2's around $150 at the BST good luck
From what I've heard, surefire's production facilities are consumed with a large government order, and therefore their existing U2's are it until the Ua2 and Ub2 are released. Order while you still can, if you want one, because (and I quote a surefire phone rep) "Once they're gone, they're gone!"

Edit: :welcome:
Hi, :welcome:

Yes, also my suggestion is that you get yourself a current SF U2 because it is a milestone flashlight that is surely worth having. :)
You should be able to get one for a pretty good price used in excellent condition here once the new U series comes out. I've already sold mine because it would be impossible to sell at a decent price once the new U series blows it away.
Obsolete? I didn't get the memo. I use mine all the time like a dummy. Seriously though...the U2 is not obsolete by any means. There might be more interesting lights out there, brighter ones, more efficient ones, etc..., but that doesn't make the U2 obsolete -- IMHO. The best light is the one you have and use. For some that's a Maglight and for others it's a Spy005. :)

If you like the U2 -- grab one while you still can.

- Chris
Obsolete? I didn't get the memo. I use mine all the time like a dummy. Seriously though...the U2 is not obsolete by any means. There might be more interesting lights out there, brighter ones, more efficient ones, etc..., but that doesn't make the U2 obsolete -- IMHO. The best light is the one you have and use. For some that's a Maglight and for others it's a Spy005. :)

If you like the U2 -- grab one while you still can.

- Chris

Gotta agree with you there.

IMHO, the U2 is a classic, and nowhere near obsolete.

Even though the Lux V it uses is less efficient than the new "power" LEDs, the radiation pattern of the beam is fantastic, providing a wall of light, with hotspot.

And the ability to dial up or down between low and high, and 4 spots in between.

My U2, on high, is about the same brightness as a couple Cree P4 lights, and a SSC P4 modded light I have.

Like everyone else, I'm looking forward to the new, updated U2s, but this original one is certainly no slouch... :cool:
I gotta admit tho that I was thinking the same thing. Between the new E1B, E1L and E2L the L1 that I've been craving for awhile is now IMO obsolete. Shoot, the E1B nearly matches the U2 stats (for output and runtime on high/low, not as many levels I know) with one cell, less than half the price and nearly half the size! I am simplifying it a bit but all I'm trying to say is I like the new, simple 2-mode models much more than the complicated and expensive "super" SF's, ie the U2 and Kroma seem to me to be a bit overkill. I want that E1B/L tho!
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Smaller isn't always better and neither is larger. If I'm wearing a suit...I reach for a smaller light like a JIL, Arc AAA, or L0D. I personally find the U2 really nice when wearing gloves. A JIL or L0D can be a pain with gloves.

- Chris
Well I am pretty sad as of now because I recently sold my U2 aswell as my A2 to a buddy of mine. I sold them to him because he really wanted a nice light but sure as hell was'nt going to drop 279.00 on one so I sold mine to him cause bottom line is that he has the best gear and comes home safe. I am not going to get another one though, I used and loved my original U2 and now it's time to get the new version, hello UA2!!! I really like the design and looks of the UA2, Im super excited and can't wait to have one, peep my new Avatar!!!

Obsolete? I didn't get the memo.
Same here ... it's a classic that will always be a 'must have' in any collection. And it has beautiful lines, unlike the UA2 & the UB2, which are less shapely, IMHO.

Most people will want the UA2 & the UB2 because they are the newest & 'the best'. And SF will sell all they can make. And they'll still not have the beautiful lines of the U2.

U2s have been selling for about $200 new in box, $150 showing some wear, on the BST section. I don't expect to see prices plummet anytime soon.
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I use my U2 daily-it's a great light, especially on 18650's. Guilt free lumens! And bright, too!
I have my U2 as well as other lights that have Crees and I still like my U2. I like the beam pattern and it is PLENTY bright for what I need as well as useful. Just because something is newer doesn't make it better. I don't understand why some people are so quick to poop all over anything that isn't the "newest, brightest, whatever, blah, blah, blah". If that is the opinion and point of view a person has, they will never be happy with anything. If you want to be technical and realistic, as soon as a new product comes out, it is already obsolete because the company that turned out that new (obsolete) product is already at work on newer, better, projects, even as they go to SHOT show. I would be willing to bet that Surefire has projects going on RIGHT NOW that make the UA2 and UB2 "obsolete" and the UA2 and UB2's aren't even ready for retail purchase yet. I love my U2. I LOVE my A2 Aviator as well and I am acquiring a second one of these "obsolete regulated incan/5mm LED hybrids" because I love them and I use them a lot. The way I see it, if you don't want to own an obsolete light or any other obsolete product, don't buy anything at all.
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I meant the U2 is obsolete technology wise i don't know any flashlight that it's usage has become obsolete as far as having a 100lm and 150lm it pretty much means the same thing. Even maglites still give a run for it's money and put some chinese companies to shame.
I will probably pick up a U2 now that are dirty cheap it'll look nice with my future UA2 and UB2 :party:.
The U2's emitter is like yesterday's huge V12 SUV's. I was just addressing OP's question why buy today a light that has been released almost 4 yrs ago?

Obsolete? I didn't get the memo. I use mine all the time like a dummy. Seriously though...the U2 is not obsolete by any means. There might be more interesting lights out there, brighter ones, more efficient ones, etc..., but that doesn't make the U2 obsolete -- IMHO. The best light is the one you have and use. For some that's a Maglight and for others it's a Spy005. :)

If you like the U2 -- grab one while you still can.

- Chris
I meant the U2 is obsolete technology wise i don't know any flashlight that it's usage has become obsolete as far as having a 100lm and 150lm it pretty much means the same thing. Even maglites still give a run for it's money and put some chinese companies to shame.
I will probably pick up a U2 now that are dirty cheap it'll look nice with my future UA2 and UB2 :party:.
The U2's emitter is like yesterday's huge V12 SUV's. I was just addressing OP's question why buy today a light that has been released almost 4 yrs ago?

Granted the U2A with its zoom lens will be the light to have. It will be able to replicate the beam of the present day U2, when you need to do that. When it is available at the same price of the U2, of course I would buy the U2A, but if I can find a U2 at a decent price, particularly an older model that will take an 18650, I would buy it and be happy, and consider myself lucky to have such a sophisticated tool.

I meant the U2 is obsolete technology wise
So a Hall Effect switching system is obsolete?
Then why does the Kroma use it?
Why will the UA2 and UB2 be using it?

What about the contact technology press-fit into the U2 body? Is that obsolete too?
Then why does the Kroma use it?
Why does the A2 and L2 and L1 use it?
Why will the UA2 and UB2 be using it?

What about the PocketClip design? Is that obsolete?
[Do you get where I'm going with this? "Technology" is more than just the LED.]

I don't know enough about the electronics inside the U2 but I'm pretty sure it isn't obsolete technology either.

In fact the only part of the U2 that may be considered obsolete is the LuxeonV LED and that is still in use by plenty of flashlights. People still want the beam profile it generates.

LumiLeds are still manufacturing their LuxeonV. It still has a role to play.

There is no flashlight that can achieve everything that the U2 achieves in a single flashlight. One can argue that the UA2/UB2 will be able to but as has been mentioned these haven't been released yet.

I don't think the U2 - itself or it's LED can be considered obsolete just yet.

I meant the U2 is obsolete technology wise...I was just addressing OP's question why buy today a light that has been released almost 4 yrs ago?
The definition of obsolete is: "out-of-date: superseded by something newer, though possibly still in use".

From a product line standpoint, it seems the U2 is obsolete by that definition. The UA2 is the same price, has 2x the output, variable beam width, etc.

I doubt Surefire will continue making the original U2, but we'll see.

It's true the UA2 hasn't yet shipped, but the OP was about future purchases. From that perspective the comparison is valid.

I have a U2 -- it's a great light. However for future purchases I'd recommend the UA2 vs a current U2.
I think we all hope that SureFire can release their UA2 and UB2 as soon as possible. If past experience is anything to go by it could be SS2009 when they are released. I hope not but I'm personally not getting my hopes up.

1. no longer in general use; fallen into disuse
2. of a discarded or outmoded type; out of date

The U2 does not fit into definition 1. - the U2 is still very much in use and I have no doubt that the U2 will be in use in large numbers (tens of thousands)for years to come.

The U2's design & technology is not outmoded, nor out-of-date.
The LuxeonV LED itself can be considered to be of outmoded type and out of date but it takes more than the LED to make a useful illumination tool.
I suggest that if all it takes is the LED to make a flashlight obsolete then it must not be very strong in other flashlight performance characteristics. This is simply not the case for SureFire's LuxeonV models.

I would agree that the U2 will soon be considered obsolete by the release of the UA2. From my perspective this has more to do with the improved features (of which one is the higher output LED) - the most important one for me being the two-stage push button pressure switch. Ergonomics are far more important to me than simple output.

Anybody can make a high output flashlight (and don't they) - it takes SureFire to design and engineer the worlds finest illumination tools (sic).


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