Surefire Winelight History


Sep 17, 2007
I have few questions on the Surefire Winelight:

  1. When did the WL become available 2004???
  2. When did SF stop production?
  3. How many models did SF make? Am aware of E1E and E2E. Also someone mentioned that a 6P was also produced.
  4. Were more E1E's produced that E2E's? Trying to figure out which model is more rare.
  5. Is there still a source for new Winelights?
Any info that CPFer's can provide would be appreciated.:)
Surefire was clearing out their remaining E1E Winelight and E2E Winelight II inventory last year. The E1E came in the old style box while the E2E came in the modern style blister card shown in the auction linked above. I guess they just ran out of the old boxes for it. They are no longer in production.
I'd love some info about a 6P Winelight.


Tempest UK,
The following post is where I first heard of a 6P winelight. It seems to me that it may not be a production model. Click on the link at the bottom to see a picture.

"Found a pic of a Surefire 6P Winelight here on the forum,and now that ive seen one.
I want one. :whistle:

Anyone know where to find one?
Where's 15's when you need him?? :sssh:

I was thinking the same thing. Size15 are you out there?

Maybe we CPF'ers need one of those big spot lights like they use to call Batman, we could use one to call Size15 instead of a bat put a really big shoe in there :grin2:......
I never really understood the Winelight.

It seems strange that a military/police related company would make something that sounds as silly as "Winelight."

Is the light to check how much you have left in the bottle, or to select a bottle for your guests down in your wine cellar?

This seems like the Surefire that Farsier and his brother on TV would have.

It's a sprint run. A limited edition. Much like Spyderco will offer a limited number of knives with unique handle colors which will sell well with collectors.
I was asleep... :sleepy:

The WineLights are examples of SureFire indulging themselves (the L6 Porcupine would be another example)

The WineLight concept is to allow the appreciation of wine through examining it under high quality light - sometimes unavailable in restaurants. One of SureFire's management, and a wine connoisseur found that using a hard-anodised E2e was a bit brutal in the context of a fine restaurant or other setting and influenced SureFire into producing and releasing a version in a more subtle and 'classy' burgundy to compliment the red wines being appreciated.

I don't know how many of each WineLight were made, nor exactly when the product run was. Sorry.

I don't know how many of each WineLight were made, nor exactly when the product run was. Sorry.


Do you know anything about the 6P WineLight? :eek:

The WineLight E2e (E2w?) is great :grin2: I have one sitting new in the box and one that has seen a fair bit of use, something of a "beater".

I think the Winelights are some very sexy lights. I wanted to get one badly some months ago but could not find them anywhere. I finally got one from the market place and I'm very happy with it. I bought the E2E Winelight Specifically as an emergency light for my Jaguar. Now it sits there near the dashboard in all its beauty. It complements the car very well.
I think the red E2e, purple A2, wine light, and the orange E1e are all part of Surefire's self-indulging mindset....just a few got out and by rarity the price exploded:rolleyes:

awhile ago wine lights still pop up in BST, hasn't seen that in awhile :(
I remember LA Police Gear had them on close-out awhile back E2 Winelights were $56 + free shipping and the E1's were $42. I picked up one of the E2's and gave it as a gift. Cute little lights, the E2 version comes with an MN02 (25 lumen) lamp assembly.
I have an E2W with a 110 Lumens Factory lamp. The wine color is really pleasing to the eye and with the LF lamp it is plenty bright! One of my favorite Surefires! :thumbsup: