Swapping out driver


Newly Enlightened
Aug 9, 2009
I have a romisen rc n3 and the driver is bad. I was just wondering how hard it would be for me to swap the driver. I was also wondering how hard it would be to swap out the driver for a p60 dropin.
The P60 is pretty easy because they all use a standard 17mm board. It might be more challenging to find a board that will fit in the Romisen if its board is less than 17mm, though there are a couple of smaller ones. Also some people have been able to grind the edges down a little (1 or 2 mm) to make a 17mm board fit in a smaller pill.
I have a romisen rc n3 and the driver is bad. I was just wondering how hard it would be for me to swap the driver. I was also wondering how hard it would be to swap out the driver for a p60 dropin.

What size is the board?