T1 or Tiablo 9s


Newly Enlightened
Dec 25, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I was looking for a nice thrower with some good run times...These lights have good run times on 123's. Thats what I'd be using mostly.

Anyone have an opinion?


Vin C
I think most people will respond for the A9 over the T1. Fenix makes nice lights, but the Tiablo has much more output and a beautiful finish. I want one..just can't think of a reason to get one. Yet.
I have both lights. A9 has longer throw compared to the T1. T1 throws pretty good also but has more spill. T1 is a lot shorter and thinner in diameter due to the larger reflector of the A9. I carry my T1 clipped to my pant pocket. T1 light is alot more versitale.
If you're not on the T1 or A9 only, also consider the Dereelight CL1H v3.0 with 2SM pill and Regalight WT1 v2.0. Both have great regulation on primaries also.
If you're not on the T1 or A9 only, also consider the Dereelight CL1H v3.0 with 2SM pill and Regalight WT1 v2.0. Both have great regulation on primaries also.


I tried doing a search but couldn't find specifics on the Lumen output on the Dereelight. Any ideas what it puts out on 123's? runtime?

It didn't even say on their website.

I could'nt find specs on the Regalight either.

The Dereelight looks nice. I wonder if anyone has this one up against the Tiablo.
The Tiablo is better outdoors but anoying indoors with its needle like beam. The T1 is much better to use indoors or within 30 yards outdoors, after that the Tiablo will blow it away. Overall output is about equal for both lights.
The T1 appears to be a very nice light with convenient settings. The Tiablo has crazy throw with a very sharp beam which would be great for certain applications, but may not be sufficient for every day use, so the T1 may be your light of choice.

In response to the Dereelight, it will be about as useful as the 9s in most situations with the insanely bright hot spot. It's damn impressive though!
If you want throw, the Dereelight DBS will might have more throw becasue of the deeper and bigger reflector(which make a narrower beam), and it is easily upgradeable which might be a plus in the long run.

Dereelight doesn't spec a lumen output because each light will have a slightly different output(same with the other lights).

It's not a fair comparison to compare the Dereelight CL1H to the Tiablo A9s. The Tiablo is made for throw, which is great for outdoors as woodrow mentioned, but difficult to use in closer settings. The Dereelight DBS is what's comparable to the A9s.

In terms of size, output, and beam characteristics, ones that are similar to the Fenix T1 are Dereelight CL1H v3.0, Lumapower M1-R or Q5, and Regalight WT1 v2.0. All have about the same output and the variation will mostly be due to the emitter bin variation. The LP is the priciest of the bunch, especially the Q5 version, so I don't recommend that as the others offer comparable quality and output for much less.

The Dereelight has a very good circuit. I can't find any runtime charts using primaries, but runtime should be at least equal to the T1, if not better.

There's a runtime plot for primaries for the Regalight WT1 here:

One thing I like about the Dereelights is that they're designed to be easily upgradeable as new LED technology comes out. You just need to buy an upgrade pill which is considerably lower priced than a complete light.

If you want big throw lights similar to the Tiablo A9s, you're looking into Dereelight DBS (currently the throw king based on lux measurements), Raidfire Spear, and LP MRV. Much larger lights.
Thanks everyone for all the replies. After 3 days of reviews and lots of coffee, i settled on the Regalight WT1...

The DBS is just too big for what I want. I still might pick up a Tiablo 9s but I think for now the Regalight seems like a good marriage between the two lights. I was pretty impressed with the beamshots considering how much smaller the reflector is than on the 9S.

Plus if I hate the Regal I could alwasy sell it and get the Tiablo.

We'll see how long it takes to get here. I ordered directly from Regalights website. I've heard on here it could take 2 weeks to get the light :eek:oo:

Lol, I hope not.

Vin C
I did the same a few days ago... waiting waiting...:)

I'm doing it right now. :thinking:
For indoor use I got Fenix L2T with good spill beam and throw. For outdoor use it is simply insufficient.
I've been comparing Fenix T1, Regalight WT1 and Tiablo A9.
I think I'm going for a Tiablo A9. Maybe not very convenient to carry around, compared to the other two. But it's the brightest and probably the most easy one to modify plus you can :twak: with it. ;)

Happy new bright year 2008! :party:
I want an A9 very badly but I have trouble justifying the purchase since I have no real use for something with such a tight beam and so much throw. Even as a search light it just doesn't seem all that useful for me.

On a side note, and not to thread jack you, but would you guys think that the A9 could be a good light for a cop? In other words, would cops generally have any good use for an A9? I have a buddy whos finishing the academy and I wanna get him a good light for cop-hood.
I have an A9 with smooth reflector. I think it would need the OP reflector for police use, and maybe would really be nice with a heavy OP if available in the future. Low would be ok for report reading/writing, I get 19 hours on low with my A9 on an 18650. With an OP reflector, high would crank out plenty of light to turn night into day and be able to blind a perp with no problem and still have enough flood to light up a room. I got almost 4 hours runtime on high before the protected 18650 shut down. There may be better ones for cop use, but I wouldnt feel under gunned at all with an A9. The smooth reflector is way to pencil beamed for cop use, IMHO. A forward click switch is available for the light also. I wish I would have had this light when I worked Corrections.

I use a RipOffs belt holster, not sure of the model....188 maybe. It comes in a clip or belt loop. Very secure and not bad to carry at all.
Hmm, an A9 with a forward clickie and an OP reflector does sound like a good light for a cop. How would this compare to say, the Pelican 7060 LAPD in terms of useability, output, throw and runtime?