Tactical Flashlights becoming stale?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 8, 2007
It seems as if all the tac lights out now are all some what of the same. They tend to stay in the same 225-250 lumen range with a strobe or not.

The low seems to be a consistent 60 lumens (M20 Warrior permium with the low low of 7) but generall 60 lumens.

Strike bezel: Check

I have the TK11 R2 and I've thought about other lights but then when I look at a M20 Premium, T100 and others I end up at the conclusion of

"Well no use is spending money for virtually damn near the same light, ok 10 lumens more with a strobe and a low low"

Thats not enough to make me spend money.

Just not alot of real difference between the lights.
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Well, without some radical advancement in LED technology...what more can we really expect? the most they can do is to add more modes....or add differnt ways to activate those modes.

Well, without some radical advancement in LED technology...what more can we really expect? the most they can do is to add more modes....or add differnt ways to activate those modes.

The advancement needs to come lol.

More tailstanding lights or add the option of a tailcap like the T100.
I fail to envision a need for "tactical tailstanding"

A tactical switch is usually precisely not that with good reason.
The advancement needs to come lol.

More tailstanding lights or add the option of a tailcap like the T100.

I agree regarding tailstanding. I don't know why on lights like the Olight M20 (which I just bought a little while ago) they don't include some type of cheap plastic base ring that could slip on over the tail cap and allow the light to tailstand. It's one of the features I wish the M20 had. It doesn't seem like it would be that difficult or expensive to do.
I agree regarding tailstanding. I don't know why on lights like the Olight M20 (which I just bought a little while ago) they don't include some type of cheap plastic base ring that could slip on over the tail cap and allow the light to tailstand. It's one of the features I wish the M20 had. It doesn't seem like it would be that difficult or expensive to do.

Cause theres no use in designing a product to be tactical and market it as such then make an accessory that has no tactical value. They would be going against themselves in a marketing standpoint. It may be a good idea to you but it also proves that maybe you dont use the flashlight for tactical reasons. The button protrudes out further then most because it easier to find when you need it. Hope this clears things up a tad.
I agree regarding tailstanding. I don't know why on lights like the Olight M20 (which I just bought a little while ago) they don't include some type of cheap plastic base ring that could slip on over the tail cap and allow the light to tailstand. It's one of the features I wish the M20 had. It doesn't seem like it would be that difficult or expensive to do.
Exactly I'd like an option for it.

Most people with tactical lights aren't breeching doors, throwing flash bangs or anything of that nature.

I use my TK11 for more than working the line.

I've yet to use a quick flash in the eyes of an inmate with it lol.

If the Eagletac wasn't so similar to the TK11 and offer essentially the same thing I'd get it cause it has the option for tailstanding.
It seems as if all the tac lights out now are all some what of the same. They tend to stay in the same 225-250 lumen range with a strobe or not.

The low seems to be a consistent 60 lumens (M20 Warrior permium with the low low of 7) but generall 60 lumens.

Strike bezel: Check

I have the TK11 R2 and I've thought about other lights but then when I look at a M20 Premium, T100 and others I end up at the conclusion of

"Well no use is spending money for virtually damn near the same light, ok 10 lumens more with a strobe and a low low"

Thats not enough to make me spend money.

Just not alot of real difference between the lights.

They all have the same leds to work with, that puts a limit on the lumens, but the user interface is different, now everybody is trying to add a ring to select levels.

But check the Jetbeam RRT-2 for a slightly different light (Steel bezel and tail, ring to select light level) or the OLight M30 for a much more powerful light.
Cause theres no use in designing a product to be tactical and market it as such then make an accessory that has no tactical value. They would be going against themselves in a marketing standpoint. It may be a good idea to you but it also proves that maybe you dont use the flashlight for tactical reasons. The button protrudes out further then most because it easier to find when you need it. Hope this clears things up a tad.
Well your average guy isn't going to, unless he's a guy who's into that kind of things.

You have high speed individuals who use them and others who don't.

I use my TK11 for all kind of things and when it's time to use it in a hairy situation it will be used as such.

Even if I was on the two best SWAT teams bar none in the nation LAPD SWAT and my Department SEB. I'd still find other uses for a TK or M20.
I find myself using my TK11 more often than my Magcharger though. One reason why I'd like a tail standing tac light is so that I won't have to use my magcharger when filling in the books at my facility.

Plus a few other Deps at my facility have some SF's and one now has a TK10 (with a low battery last I checked lol).
supreme eye, i dont mean to step on anyones toes, but the avrage guy using a TK11 probably iis using it for such things. think abbout the number of people outside cpf using a tactical light, they very likely bought it for use in a tactical situation. this iis precisely why fenix and indeed just about every other manufacturor has a tactical line, and a regular line. more often than not, the regular lights can tailstand

besides, people with experience here say that simple is better for tactical, so, strctly tactical lights need no innovation really. ill bet hundreds of people still use a simple surefire 6P in tactical situations all around the world.

i have never tailstanded a light in purpose. in actual need.
so to me its not important feature.

and tactical lights are meant to be simple, aimed for specific purpose, powerful and good runtime.

so they all use pretty much the best leds available. similar ui and drivers.. and get similar results.

fenix ta series look different.
jetbeams look different.
gladius looks different.
tomahawk looks different.
olight m30 looks different.

and to me difference is in the details and in u.i too. not just the design or outlook and power of the light.

i got tk11, i like it. but now if i was to look for something similar. i would take eagletac tc. cheaper. but similar specs but slightly better output and runtime.. or i would of chosen jetbeam M, for really low output too.. or maybe olight m20 or m30 but they get too over budget.

-small variation allows each person to pick one they prefer most.. just pick one of many lights designed for same task.
Yes... until LED efficiencies increase, things will hover around the 200-250 Lumen ballpark for the XR-E and ~300-400 for the MC-E, within the pocketable hand held size designs. It doesn't really bother me that much though... IMHO theres more to making/designing a good flashlight than lumen output. 200 Lumens is more than enough for what I need.

IMHO designers need to put more efforts into thermal cooling and heat sinking designs.
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I think we will see more improvements with the interface of the lights. Something where you can program your digital camera for different settings lights will have some type of interface where you can change settings.
Maybe there will be some integration with other devices like GPS.
How about a high quality OEM 2+ level switch? Light press for low, hard press for high. Maybe some easy one handed way to instantly have strobe? Dunno why that's so hard to do... Or is there a light that does that and I don't know?

~200 lumens is pretty good for me so far, even my 10x Dominator and supercharged LED Mags are usually just too much light.

I often used my tailstanding SL20X to light up a room to do paperwork in lower income housing where lights were not available.

Tac lights are kinda stale, but then again it's not like tactics change super fast either. You would have to learn all new tactics and train with them every time a new tacticool flashlight feature came out!

I fail to envision a need for "tactical tailstanding"

A tactical switch is usually precisely not that with good reason.

Nearest thing would be a shroud on a forward-clickie. A physical barrier that prevents the thumb from pushing the switch down all the way, during a stressful moment. You retain momentary use, and still get the benefits of a forward-clickie.

As a side benefit, the light can tailstand. Surefire z49 being the best example of this. But yeah, not something done intentionally.
It seems as if all the tac lights out now are all some what of the same. They tend to stay in the same 225-250 lumen range with a strobe or not.

The low seems to be a consistent 60 lumens (M20 Warrior permium with the low low of 7) but generall 60 lumens.

Strike bezel: Check

I have the TK11 R2 and I've thought about other lights but then when I look at a M20 Premium, T100 and others I end up at the conclusion of

"Well no use is spending money for virtually damn near the same light, ok 10 lumens more with a strobe and a low low"

Thats not enough to make me spend money.

Just not alot of real difference between the lights.

+1 on this, i found myself holding back on quite a few light purchases once i got my Jet III Pro ST, it seems to me that this light has most of what i need in a 'tac' light.

Am moving towards smaller, more pocketable lights and my aim now is for decent output and long runtimes as in emergencies, i think runtime is more a factor.
As far as a low Low goes, it's not needed on a true tactical light. I think Surefire messed up with the E1B by offering such a low level, and by having it controlled with a forward-clickie. For it to be tactical, it would have one output, (bright as can be) and a z68 tailcap. So you have a physical barrier to prevent clicking the light on, if you just want to use momentary on.
As far as a low Low goes, it's not needed on a true tactical light. I think Surefire messed up with the E1B by offering such a low level, and by having it controlled with a forward-clickie. For it to be tactical, it would have one output, (bright as can be) and a z68 tailcap. So you have a physical barrier to prevent clicking the light on, if you just want to use momentary on.

but doesn't being tactical sometimes require a really low mode? like for sneaking up on people in terrain and making sure you don't snap a twig etc?