Tank treads for robot needed

I see you are in NY, check ATV dealers who may also carry the conversion kit to make the 4 wheel into 4 treads.

Or snowcat dealer.
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Thanks for the information guys.. lots of stuff to read up on. It seems the ATV to Tread conversion is more in line with what I need. Thanks very much!
I don't know how huge your robot is or what will power it, but tank treads are so heavy you would need a lot of extra power to turn them as opposed to using snocat treads. Some of the older tank [early WWII] treads were lighter, but modern tanks treads are probably too heavy for anything but tanks.
Not sure how big your machine is, but check out a skid steer (Bobcat, John Deere, Cat) dealership. Skid steers can be equipped with metal or rubber tracks, some of which simply mount over the machine's tires.

New sets can be pricey, but the dealer may have an old, "worn out" set lying around, or be able to direct you toward a customer that just replaced them. The tracks may be too worn to function properly on a money- making piece of equipment, but I imagine that they would have plenty of life left for a hobby/ project application.

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