im a robot!


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
its time for me to admit it. lol for real the new antibot test are hard as hect for me. almost threw my laptop. then the dang program locked up. so i had to start the entire sign up process all over
btw i hate hackers i trully do. oh id love to have them pay me for all the time they have costed me
i just cheked my password ona password strengh website it said it will take 34 thosand years to crack it lol. ps a course i didnt eneter real pass word just one that used the same type of password lol
If you know how to touch type on the keyboard, a simple way to make a very difficult to crack password is to shift your hands one letter to the right and then do a normal password you're comfortable with.

So as an example the word "password" after shifting your fingers to the right would be "[sddeptf".

The only time this will backfire on you is if you're trying to use your phone to access the account, since a phone doesn't have a full sized keyboard.
my fav is when they hide what your typeing lol. i cant type when i see my letters when i cant see letters im screwed lol
Take your favorite food. Spell it out. If it has "O" in it, substitute those for the number zero instead. And end the password with the year that was the best in your life so far. Strong password, easy to remember too.