Teach me about amc 7135 drivers and thermal glue


Newly Enlightened
Jan 30, 2008
Hi i am trying to build a ir flashlight
I have some Osram IR golden dragon
And a ir led from kai
Both types have a forward voltage of 1,8 volt

I also have one of the ir dropins ,it works ok ,but have to much flood

The osram needs 1amp and the kai 0,7 amp

So my thought was to get some of these


So far i only need 3 ,but i have become a flashoholic :welcome:
so i think i can use the rest for other projects

As far as i know you can disable some of the chips ,thereby reduce the amps

Disable one = 1,050 amp
Disable two =0,7 amp

Two of them ,,he he 2,8 ampn fo:whistle:r a P7
Or a 1 amp multi mode+ one =2,4 amp

But here is the big Q
The ir needs 1,8 volt ,so what is best for efficiency two LED`s in series to one driver
or one driver to each led ??

Or is there better driver for this ?? has to be single mode

Next is the thermal glue

dx has this


but is it god enough or do i need arctic silver ,and if yes where to get it ( i am not in the us but EU )without it costing to much
I can't help with the driver questions other than to say the AMC7135 driver is not suitable at all for your IR emitters.

The glue is very good for a variety of tasks, including glueing leds in place. Make it a thin layer. That type of industrial thermal glue is what nearly all flashlight manufacturers use in their lights. So I think you're going to find it to be very versatile. I have used it for a while with good results in lights and computers.

I can't help with the driver questions other than to say the AMC7135 driver is not suitable at all for your IR emitters.

The glue is very good for a variety of tasks, including glueing leds in place. Make it a thin layer. That type of industrial thermal glue is what nearly all flashlight manufacturers use in their lights. So I think you're going to find it to be very versatile. I have used it for a while with good results in lights and computers.


Stefan, what makes the AMC7135 unsuitable for IR LEDs? Does it have to do with the voltage drop of the 7135 chip itself?

Isthereanybodyoutthere, yes, buy that adhesive. I also have some and it works well. Cures in five minutes, so watch out for that while working with it. Tough yet flexible when cured and seems to work well in high-humidity environments.
Stefan, what makes the AMC7135 unsuitable for IR LEDs? Does it have to do with the voltage drop of the 7135 chip itself?

The IR emitters I've seen all have a forward voltage of ~1.6-1.8V and a few hundred mA. It's too much feeding them ~3.7V and too much current. I might be wrong as I don't know that much about high power IR emitters.

I really like that glue!

The IR emitters I've seen all have a forward voltage of ~1.6-1.8V and a few hundred mA. It's too much feeding them ~3.7V and too much current. I might be wrong as I don't know that much about high power IR emitters.

I really like that glue!


I've seen some that can take 700mA, but still have a Vf of less than 2. I don't know if the AMC7135 does like one driver I experimented with. That driver, a boost driver, when measured across open LED leads, read an open-circuit voltage of 13V. That would satisfy the Vf of almost any LED. I don't know what the AMC7135 does, but it isn't that?
Well the leds from kai takes 700 milli amp
The osram 1 amp (1000 milli amp)
the bord/driver gives when all chips are working 1400 milli amp
but the bord can be had in 350 700 1050 1400 milli amp versions
The only difference is that 300 has one chip 700 two 1050 three 1400 four chips

So i wanted to buy the 1400 version sins i then could chose how much current i wanted by disabling one or more chips

Using two 1,8volt leds in series should behave like one 3,6 volt ..they would both get the same amps ( i think :duh2:)

But i dont know if the bord can controll the voltage if only using one 1,8 volt led ,,,but isnt that exactly what a driver should do ??
I don't see any reason that the AMC boards won't work. You just want to make sure you use the boards like you mentioned, with the 750mA for the KD emitter and the 1050mA for the Osram. If both of those currents are at a forward voltage of 1.8V, then I would run the boards on 2 x NiMH batteries. That would give you the least amount of waste (2.4V). Anything less than 1.8V and you will not hit the voltage you need.
I just want to make sure you are aware, the amc7135 boards simply pass whatever battery voltage you are feeding them, they don't boost, or buck the voltage in any manner (except for the small drop across the diode). So don't attempt to drive one led from these. Also, be aware they drop regulation entirely at I think it was 2.8 volts or so. You will want to double check on my #'s. If I recall, the diode drops the VF by about .6
There is some discussion of it here in the driver thread:


These discussions both talk about hi flux leds with VF's of 3.2 and up. So take it with a grain of salt. Wish I could be of more help. I don't suppose you would consider a P60 host and a drop in?
VegasF6 thanks for the links
I do have one of the p60 drop ins (see my first post )
It is ok but to floody
It gets warm pretty fast
The emitter in it is the one from KD (i think)
i am very tempted to open it to see what driver it has
it pulls 0,65amp from 8,17 volt (2x rcr123)=5,31 watt
And i know the emitter only use 0,7 amp x1,8volt =1,26 watt

That explains the heat :duh2: 4,05 watt wasted as heat
Is there a better driver for one or two rcr123 ??

I would prefer to only have one led pr driver

according to this ,they need a minimum of 2,8 volt to work
But output voltage (if i read it right) can be as low as 0,3 volt :sssh:
Using a rcr123 would give voltage enough ,but a lot would be wasted as heat
But hey ,,RCR123 =guilt free lumens :D:D

I still dont know if i should try ,,but if i do and it goes:poof::sick2::ohgeez::mecry::thumbsdow:oops: :hairpull: i will let you all know