Teachers Stage Fake Gun Attack on Kids.

Wow, that is amazing. If a student did anything even remotely close to that, they would be expelled, arrested, and sent to jail. Probably even charged as an adult.
We'll see what disciplinary action(s) are taken.

We had an incident a couple of years ago where the Middle School teachers on an overnight field trip excessively drank after the kids were in bed. One teacher passed out in a child's bunk next to the child. After this came to light, and angry parents were demanding something be done, the next thing you know there were a few good teachers resigning rather than have a "black mark" on their record.
Most teachers I know are normal people too.

This incident was in poor judgement, and probably against rules, but I had the connotation that they did it for the good of the kids "learning about what to do?"

The execution seems poor, I'd like to hear their side of the story to find out what exactly they were trying to study.

But, this does seem like the wrong way to do it, what if one of the kids had a cell phone and called the cops, you have a swat team outside shooting at good teachers..
From a couple of the articles I have read--the teachers said they told the kids they were going to pull a prank on them some time during the trip. I don't think it was intended to be a learning experience (at the time).

There's something fishy about stories like that in USA Today. It's like... It would be a nationally enormous story if it were true, so makes me wonder why everything about it is done so incredibly sketchy, as though yes there are some facts there but if it were the story it is then why isn't there more? There's no background, no real interviews, nothing's fleshed out at all.

Is it because if we knew everything we would no longer be outraged? I'm skeptical enough to keep that as a real possibility.

"We all got together and discussed what we would do..."
Is that before or after the event? If before, then were the children informed what was about to happen but got scared anyway because the teachers were just too dull to recognize the perspective of a child in light of recent events?

"At first I thought I was going to die..."
But then what? You were immediately informed that it was a staged event as soon as the teachers realized their mistake and saw that it was too real for 11-yr-olds?

At best it's probably monumentally poor judgement on the teacher's part, because some children were clearly scared for real. But I just don't have enough confidence in the news source to give it much emotional weight & feel outrage as the piece looks designed to elicit.
It's all over the news. http://www.google.com/news?q=MURFREESBORO++gun

This was after the Virgina Tech shootings. They had done drills in school, in case they were the next Columbine or Virgina Tech.

What happened on that class trip was different. They told the 11 and 12 year old sixth graders that somebody was shooting and they had them all lie on the floor in the dark. They told the students that is was not a drill. They shined car lights at the entrance. Then had a teacher in a hooded sweatshirt with the head pulled up start pulling on the doors as if he were trying to break in and get the students.

According to one parent, the students were crying in the dark, begging for their lives. Then the teachers turned on the light, and said it was just a joke.

Knowing what they now know, how can the school administration trust these teachers with children again. God forbid those teachers do something like this (or even worse) again. I think the principle and school board would be held responsible if something were to happen.

I hope at least one of the parents will turn this into a learning experience by holding the teachers accountable for their actions. They need to learn that you can't do this to kids and get away with it. Being suspended without pay doesn't begin to cover it.
I agree it is "probably monumentally poor judgement on the teacher's part"...

And I don't think that the teachers should be fired--just like I don't believe in the one strike policies for when a student paper or shoving instance gets suspension or worse.

This is about on par with calling in a bomb threat or yelling fire in a theater. The victims in this case are children, and the adult teachers who are supposed to be looking out for their students' safety instead decided to terrorize them. In my opinion, besides whatever legal responsibility there is, it's a breach of trust the parents and students place in their school.
coldsolderjoint said:
Most teachers I know are normal people too....

.... I'd like to hear their side of the story to find out what exactly they were trying to study.

I agree that most teachers are normal. And I don't believe for one moment that a normal, rational human being would ever pull this sort of thing on children.

I'd honestly like to hear their side of the story too. I would love to know what they were possibly thinking when they decided this was a good idea.
How far can a "prank" like this go before it becomes a mock execution?

This was after the Virgina Tech shootings. The kids had done drills just in case their school was the next Columbine or Virgina Tech.

The kids trusted the teachers. The teachers told them this was not a drill. Anybody ever hear of the "boy who cried wolf". After they got in trouble, they tried to explain it away as a lesson, but later went back to the prank story. If one of those teachers told me somebody was shooting, I would assume they were probably just lying again.
these are the idiots the law says your kids must spend six a hours a day, five days a week with...?

...another reason not to have have kids.

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